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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Media : Miscellaneous : Peace

October 5, 2005, 7:00 PM Wellington Avenue UCC's Concientious Projector Presents "The Corporation"

The Corporation explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, illuminates the corporation's grip on our lives.
Taking its legal status as a "person" to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?"

Provoking, witty, sweepingly informative, The Corporation includes forty interviews with corporate insiders and critics - including Milton Friedman, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.

Directed by Mark Achbar and Jenifer Abbott. Produced by Mark Achbar and Bart Simpson. 145 minutes.

“Cogent, even rabble rousing indictment of the mostinfluential institutional model for our era." - Dennis Harvey, Variety

“Coolheaded and incisive...thorough and informative... It leaves audiences with a cold shiver" - Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ is located at 615 W. Wellington Avenue and is accessible by bus or the “EL” (red, brown or purple line). Parking is available in public lots on Broadway or at the Illinois Masonic Hospital (Wellington Avenue and Halsted).

For more information contact: Pam Richart, 630.346.3645 or prichart (at)



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