Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous : Protest Activity

Need company and/or gas money returning from D.C.?

Do you need two people to fill your back seats for the long drive back to Chicago from the D.C. protests? Are you leaving Sunday or Monday? Would you like some help in sharing gas / toll costs? If so, *please* write me ASAP as two grad students would love to help you out. Please leave your cell #, assuming / hoping you have one. We, unfortunately, do not have one but will be with people who do and we'll call you from their cell.
Do you need two people to fill your back seats for the long drive back to Chicago from the D.C. protests? Are you leaving Sunday or Monday? Would you like some help in sharing gas / toll costs? If so, *please* write me ASAP as two grad students would love to help you out. Please leave your cell #, assuming / hoping you have one. We, unfortunately, do not have one but will be with people who do and we'll call you from their cell.



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