A teach-in about the economics of equitable cooperation, October 18 on the campus of the University of Chicago
Frustrated with the dismal science?
Want more out of economics?
Then you’ll want to attend…
A teach-in about the economics of equitable cooperation
(Market free! Marxist free!)
Learn about an entirely new economic model,
with American University professor Robin Hahnel
When: Tuesday, October 18, 2005; 6pm-8pm
Where: The University of Chicago Campus,
Social Science Research Building, 1126 E. 59th St.,
Room SS122 (ironic, huh?)
Cost: FREE (like a free lunch!)
Organized by CAPES, the Chicago Area Participatory Economics Society
Email: info@chicagoparecon.org
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* ABOUT ROBIN HAHNEL: Robin Hahnel is Professor of Economics at American University. He is the author of
Economic Justice and Democracy and co-author of
The Political Economy of Participatory Economics. He has been active in many social movements and organizations in the past forty years.
* ABOUT PARTICIPATORY ECONOMICS: Participatory Economics, or "parecon" is an economic model invented by Robin Hahnel and Michael Albert which strives to achieve the economic goals of production, consumption and allocation while promoting solidarity, equity, diversity and self-management. Parecon achieves this with the institutions of balanced job complexes, self-managed council democracy, remuneration for sacrifice and effort, and participatory planning. Website:
* ABOUT CAPES: CAPES is a new Chicago-area group dedicated to exploring, promoting, investigating, and implementing the model of participatory economics. We hold monthly informal meetings and encourage everyone interested to take part. Email: info@chicagoparecon.org