Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

September 24 Chicago: STAND UP AGAINST WAR

Not going to Washington, Saturday, join us to
protest all these damn wars!

every Saturday 2-4 pm including Sept. 24
every Wednesday 4-6 pm

Mini demo on busy/diverse corner corner against
war and empire. These events are not connected to
any political party or group and open to anyone
opposing militarism, imperialism and their root
cause Capitalism. Bring a friend and a sign.
Extra signs are available.
Since Sept. 2,2003, we have stood on this
corner. Sept. 24 is protest # 155. Join us,
or do "Something" somewhere, sometime. But
always remember:"Silence is Consent".
Get Angry Get Active!

Rain or shine, hot or cold the protests go
on. See you under the CTA roof if it rains.

PLAY FOR PEACE: Bring your drum, horn ? to
make music against war, fear, greed and hate.



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