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News :: Peace : Protest Activity : Right Wing

Hastert's office organizes anti-Sheehan protestors

Speaker Dennis Hastert's office when asked to meet with Cindy Sheehan and other military families and veterans responded by organizing counter-protestors.

Lisa Zeimetz on her blog “Angry Republican Mom” posts that she “was called to counter-protest.” She continues, “I wanted to take photos, but I handed off my purse to one of Hastert’s employees, and my purse was effectively locked in the secured congressional office” for two hours, “until all the freakos left.” Zeimetz resides in Paw Paw, Illinois. Another protestor reported coming from Dolton but reporters have not questioned how he found out about the protest or whether he was paid or transported by Hastert’s office. Counter-protestors also reported that they were interns at Hastert’s office.

Mary Shesgreen chair of Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice a primary organizer of the event was disappointed in the incivility of the protestors. “The police had to remove the counter-protestors with repeated instructions because they were standing in the area we had reserved through a legal permit.” She was even more surprised that Speaker Hastert’s office apparently had something to do with organizing those yelling at Cindy Sheehan and other military family members and veterans. “We only wanted to express our concerns about the Iraq war to Speaker Hastert. Cindy Sheehan and the other military family members and veterans wanted dialogue. Instead we got angry people who didn’t respect our permit and who the Speaker’s office helped organize at taxpayer’s expense. Wouldn’t it have been easier simply to meet with us and avoid all the fuss?” See for more information on the Paw Paw mom’s first protest action.



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