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BTL:Consumer Group Claims Oil Companies' Disaster Profiteering Necessitates...

...Price Controls ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, of Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Consumer Group Claims Oil Companies' Disaster Profiteering Necessitates Price Controls

Interview with Tyson Slocum, of Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Scott Harris

Not long after news of the destructive force of Hurricane Katrina spread across the U.S., so too did skyrocketing gas prices. Many Americans saw prices climb well over $3 dollars a gallon. While big oil companies tied the steep price hikes to the Hurricane's effect on reducing oil production and refining in the Gulf states, some observers charge these corporations with price gouging and disaster profiteering.

A Washington Post - ABC News poll conducted on September 2nd found that 72 percent of respondents believe that oil companies and gas suppliers have taken advantage of the storm emergency by raising prices. While eighty percent say that the federal government has mishandled the rising price of oil and gas.

President Bush has thus far only responded by ordering the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to waive national standards for clean gasoline blends. But Hawaii, with some of the highest gas prices in the nation, took action by placing controls on the price of gasoline sold in that state effective September 1st. Public Citizen has joined other consumer groups in calling for the enactment of temporary, adjustable price controls at the federal level to prevent speculation and price gouging on gasoline and home heating oil. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Tyson Slocum, research director with Public Citizen's Energy Program. He explains how he believes big oil has gouged the public and why his group advocates price controls.

Contact Public Citizen at area code (202) 588-1000 or visit their website at

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