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Is New Orleans The Second Time FEMA Has Committed Genocide?

After Hurricane Andrew struck Miami in 1992, many well documented accounts claimed that FEMA covered up its murder through neglect of thousands of poor seasonal workers just south of Miami. These stories now seem believable.
"Don't get me wrong, United States military forces were indeed present in the roped-off areas within hours of Andrew ending. But they were not there to help survivors. The National Guard, along with the Coast Guard, the Army, F.E.M.A., Metro-Dade Police, State Police and local police, removed dead bodies and body-parts as quickly as possible, during those first ten days of the aftermath. Horrified survivors watched as both uniformed and civilian clothed men searched the rubble and filled body bags. After which, the body bags were stacked in military vehicles or huge refrigerator trucks normally used to transport food, only to drive off and leave the stranded injured to fend for themselves. Not until I managed to escape the aftermath, did I discover the thermo-king sections of these same refrigerator trucks jammed packed with wall-to-wall body bags, subsequently ended up being stored at Card Sound Navy Base, located in an isolated area just above the Florida Keys. The inside temperatures kept cool by portable generators until the bodies were either incinerated or just plain dumped into huge open grave pits.

Those working the body-pick-up-operation were forced to take what is known as "The Oath of Sworn Secrecy," strictly enforced by the government. Many of whom plunged into shock once exposed to the ghastly devastation and countless mutilated bodies. The horrors were way beyond human comprehension. I can vouch for this when I accidentally stepped on the severed hand of a young child, while initially crawling out of the debris. Only to witness shortly thereafter, two dead teenagers and the decapitated body of a baby girl.

Fighting mental shock became such a big problem for the body-pick-up teams that a special group of psychiatrists had to be brought in to help them cope with it. I believe this in itself was the reason 'why' many who worked on the body collection didn't comprehend the tragic consequences this would inevitably lead to in the future. Not only were the survivors of Hurricane Andrew and the rest of the American peoples betrayed by their own government, but in addition, the betrayal extended its ugly fist into foreign countries. For at the time Hurricane Andrew struck, South Dade was inhabited by a large population of Mexican illegals. The United States Department of Immigration was fully aware of their presence but quietly turned their backs on the situation, knowing full well that South Dade farmers couldn't afford to harvest their crops without the help of the Mexican illegals. As a matter of fact, the heavily populated migrant camps resided at the edge of the Florida Everglades. They vanished without a trace during that fated night. Many bodies were found way out in the Everglades. "



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