Due to my stand re the racism in the Katrina response, I am bringing the racists out of the woodwork. Check this post out...
"Ethnic cleansing is a good thing for white Americans by Michael Mazzone Jr. Monday, Sep. 05, 2005 at 4:03 AM
mmazzonejr (at) ameritech.net 847-359-2663 311 N. Mozart St., Palatine, IL 60067"
White supremacists show their colors from my article on Indybay…
“Try making a reply to this story. I did.
My response is there. I hope more vnners get in on the fun!
I even used my real name and contact info!
Ethnic cleansing is a good thing for white Americans
by Michael Mazzone Jr. Monday, Sep. 05, 2005 at 4:03 AM
mmazzonejr (at) ameritech.net 847-359-2663 311 N. Mozart St., Palatine, IL 60067
Blacks are prone to criminality and savagery. Just look at all the raping, stealing, and murdering the blacks are engaging in wherever they are found. In New Orleans, we even see them reverting to cannibalism.
We should not save them.
My heart goes out to the white people who are suffering out there, but I'm filled with glee to see some genocide against the blacks taking place in the US. I hope that one day I'll never have to see another black person again.
If America was a country of whites only, it would be a much better country. If genocide against the blacks is the most efficient means to meet this end, then I certainly won't object to it.
That above forum keeps on going with that tone, comment after comment.
And yet more raving racists attack my articles at
If nothing else, I am getting the white supremicists to out themselves, and we need them out of hiding so this is good. Now we even know where they live supposedly...hmmmm...