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Commentary :: International Relations

a story unreported in the US press: Cuba Expresses Solidarity with Katrina Victims

has anyone seen thıs story in the US press?
Cuba Expresses Solidarity with Katrina Victims / 02-09-2005
The Cuban Parliament approved a heartfelt message of solidarity with the victims of Hurricane Katrina during its session Thursday in Havana.

All 529 representatives at the meeting, including Cuban President Fidel Castro, observed a minute of silence in tribute of the victims of the catastrophe.

The document read by Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon stated: "The entire world should feel that this tragedy as its own."

It also expresses concern about the enormous damage and the extraordinary extent of the catastrophe -considered the worst natural disaster in US history.

The US Red Cross has stated that its work will be harder this time than after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Tens of thousands of persons are still trapped by floods, while many more are homeless or displaced.

The governor of Louisiana described the situation in New Orleans as desperate, with water levels rising; the mayor of New Orleans has stated that hundreds or even thousands of people may have perished.

The Cuban Parliament stressed that the hurricane especially affected African Americans, Latinos and poor Americans, who make up the majority of the fatal victims and homeless as well as those still waiting to be rescued.

Prior to the full parliamentary meeting Thursday, the legislature's 10 permanent commission held sessions to consider issues related to education, foreign relations, science, housing, and industrial and agricultural production. The Cuban lawmakers also heard reports on the performance of different sectors, such as the Cuban Radio and TV Institute and the Ministries of Agriculture and Communication and Technology.




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