Incredible brutal Police attacks on disco in Berlin, Germany and on alternative rave festival in Czeck republic.
Berlin, Germany:
This weekend 300 riot-robocops attacked a disco where "normal" soccer fans, and yes, hooligans, made a peaceful party. Everybody was beaten down brutally, no matter if young or old, man or woman, short hair or long hair and so on... All the soil was full of blood, people in handcuffs were beaten repetedly in the face... shock grenades were fired all over...
police stated the disco-visitors have attacked the police: ahm, so why is NO cop injured? But more than 100 disco visitors are injured + 30 very heavily injured. police even has stolen the medical reports of their injuries from the doctors...
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Almost similar thing 500 km away near Prague, in the Czech RepubliC:
1500 Robocops attack the legal, alternative CzechTek rave-festival. 5000 Visitors beaten up by police, police even fired shock grenades in cars and vans, people inside were not allowed to leave... one man hunted by police, ran away, police chased him to the "autobahn", a high-speed highway, where he died when a car hit him...
100s of people still suffer from shock because of the one-day long attack-
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even tanks were used!!!
what the hell is going on? FUCK THE POLICE!