Tickets have started to sell for the two buses we currently have reserved. We have learned from the bus companies we do business with that additional buses that we may rent will be at a higher price due to fuel costs.
Tickets have started to sell for the two buses we currently have reserved. We have learned from the bus companies we do business with that additional buses that we may rent will be at a higher price due to fuel costs. Please get the word out that anybody who wants to pay only $80 for their roundtrip ticket to DC should act fast.
The additional cost may be as little as $5.00 but we do not know that for sure. We are six weeks away from departure and we already have sold a quarter of a bus. That is unprecedented in terms of sales. The sooner we sell the first two buses the sooner we can put deposits on other buses and the lower the price will be. The longer we wait the more the chance that the price per bus could go up even more than we have been quoted.
A.N.S.W.E.R. Chicago now has tickets ready for the September 24 March in Washington. If you want to purchase a ticket the cost is $80 round trip. The buses will be leaving from Columbus Drive between Jackson and Adams behind the Art Institute. We will begin boarding between 5:00 and 5:30 pm on Friday, September 23. The buses will leave at 6:00 pm. The buses will arrive in DC between 9:00 and 10:00 am, Saturday, September 24. They will leave DC to come back to Chicago around 6:00 pm on the 24th and will arrive back at the Art Institute
around 9:00 am, Sunday, September 25.
To purchase a ticket make your $80.00 check or money order payable to "8th Day Center for Justice". Write "Sept 24 bus" in the memo section of your check or money order. Please make sure you include your name, your phone number and your email address (if you have one) with your check or money order. If you are buying tickets for more than one person, please make sure we know the names of all the people you are buying tickets for. When we receive your check we will email or phone you with the ticket number/s we have assigned you. We will have a master list of everyone going and what ticket number was assigned to them. Once at the bus on September 23, you will be able to pick-up your ticket from the "will call" table and board any bus by handing your ticket to the bus captain.
Mail your check or money order to A.N.S.W.E.R. Chicago, 27 N Wacker Driver, Box #199, Chicago, IL 60606. If you have not received either a call or email within 10 days of mailing your check or money order letting you know your ticket number/s, please call 773 920-7545 or email
answerchicago (at)
The only way we can accomodate requests for people to travel together is to get to the bus early. The earlier you get there the faster we can give you your ticket and you can be first in line when the buses start boarding.
If you are unable to go to DC for the March but would like to contribute money so someone who can not afford the full cost of a ticket can go please make your check or money order payable to "8th Day Center for Justice", write "Sept 24 bus scholarship" in the memo section and mail to A.N.S.W.E.R Chicago at the above address.
If you would like to be considered for a scholarship please email
answerchicago (at) or phone 773 920-7545 with your request and we will put you a list. You don't have to tell us your life story but a little bit about your circumstances will help and whether you are able to afford anything toward the cost. We will only be able to accomodate you if we are able to raise the funds. In the past we have always been able to give scholarships due to people's generosity. So do put your name on the list.
Please spread the word about the buses from Chicago to DC for September 24