LOCAL News :: Labor : Media : Peace : Protest Activity
Caterpillar Plant Anti-Bush Protest
A spirited and diverse group showed up to protest against President Bush's vacation visit to Hastert's 14th District.

Aurora local UAW helped host the protestors and participated in the demonstration outside the CAT plant. Many union members who came had protested at CAT years before and advised protestors on their rights when Montgomery police attempted to control where people stood.
Protestors arrived in waves from 6 a.m. on and were shuttled to the corner of Orchard and Caterpillar after being told to leave another gate. Around 200 protestors waved anti-war signs, anti-CAFTA signs, anti-Rove signs and "Meet with Cindy" signs. Citizens Against the Sprawlway protested Hastert's Prairie Parkway. Thousands of hand-picked guests drove by the protestors on their way into the Republican celebration inside and the protestors were in full view of many morning commuters. At his website wwww.auroraprotest.blogspot.com organizer Steve Leopoldo has posted photos from the protest.
Two candidates for Hastert's 14th District worked the crowd, John Laesch of Newark and Ruben Zamora of Aurora.
Many CODE PINK people participated and CODE PINK and True Majority worked with organizer Clint Raulsten to bring Sabrina Worsham to the rally. She spoke on behalf of Cindy Sheehan who is camped out in Crawford trying to get Mr. Bush to answer why her son and more than 1800 other Americans have died for a lie. Ms. Worsham is a family friend of the Sheehans and spoke with local and national media at length throughout the rally.
Protestors came from DeKalb, Oak Park, all over Dupage, Kane and Kendall and Gary, Indiana. Some were first-time protestors who found out about the action over the internet and were able to come on short notice. Comments on IndyMedia indicate disappointment in the lack of Chicago presence most likely due to the short timeframe and peoples' work schedules. Kane and Kendall locals however were happy that both an anti-CAFTA rally and an anti-Bush protest came off with only a few days of planning. Coverage so far has been scanty, NBC 5 Chicago did cover the protest briefly and USA Today mentioned the protestors in an article about Cindy Sheehan. One longtime peace activist reported that Senator Durbin stopped on his way out and thanked the remaining protestors.