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What our Government hid from American's who compete for white collar jobs.

New Mathematics Encyclopedia, clearly explains the root basics of Mathematics every student must know by High School graduation.
Mathematics Vol. 1, ISBN 0-9747418-4-1

This book offers a style of education that explains fully all root postulates prior to exercises to demonstrate the use of these definitions. The expertise of the educator is evident. I concur with the Bookwire review posted below. Any student would be well versed in mathematics basics should they use Mathematics Vol. 1, as their reference in addition to the text books and exercises provided by normal mathematical text books. This type of reference transcends various styles of teaching, which give this publication universal application to any course that may be found in any middle or high School curriculum.

Students, whose knowledge includes the basic definition of mathematics, would perform well on any examination they faced without strain once they retained the information contained in Mathematics Vol. 1.

The Author, Dr. A.V. Epelbaum, has taught many classes in Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy and the United States. I personally overheard many students being orally grateful to her for her assistance with their mathematics courses, while we lived in Chicago, from 1990 through 2002. The fact that she has been unable to find permanent employment is a travesty that underlines the headlong plan to fail, which , probably, has been adopted by the administrations of today’s public schools.

In 1998 the author of the book had filed a Federal lawsuit against Chicago Public School District attempting to attract attention to these actions. The case progressed over three years. The lawsuit was finally illegally dismissed to keep it from trial and public knowledge.

The story of Mathematics failures isn't only leading to the consequent failure of higher divisions of public secondary education - the only free education of this country under the program No Child Left Behind, which, by itself, is more than enough to worry any patriot of this country. This story transcends all races of people and levels of our economy. The real effect is the loss of jobs to foreign educated immigrants and locals. The best move for America is to make widespread use of Mathematics Vol. 1, to make a definite step to reverse this trend.

Wayne D. Pickette
epelbaum.pdf (31 k)
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