At our peace demonstrations, one of the best chants is: "We remember Hiroshima, we remember Vietnam, Democratic Party, we know which side you're on!" From the Democrat Pres Harry Truman, who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, to Kennedy and Johnson, who perpetrated the war against Vietnam, the Democrats proved to be the twin party of war & fascism with the Republicans.
At our peace demonstrations, one of the best chants is:
"We remember Hiroshima, we remember Vietnam, Democratic Party, we know which side you're on!" From the Democrat Pres Harry Truman, who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, to Kennedy and Johnson, who perpetrated the war against Vietnam, the Democrats proved to be the twin party of war & fascism with the Republicans.
One of the most important lessons we can learn from the horrors perpetrated by Nazi USA is that the Democratic Party has been the twin party of war and fascism with the Republican Party, and the racist terrorist mass murder perpetrated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an excellent example.
The only reason Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed was to tell the US ally, the Soviet Union, which was poised to invade Japan, that the 20th Century was to be the American Century, that is continuing the Nazi's anti-Communist warmongering to maximize the profits of the same capitalist class that benefited from Nazi Germany and its war machine. The war in Europe, the main theater of the war, ended in May 1945. The Japanese were suing for peace. The only reason to perpetrate the heinous war crime of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to perpetrate the "Cold" War.
In January, we commemorated the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army. That liberation could have occurred much earlier if the US and British planes that flew over the train tracks to Auschwitz had actually bombed those train tracks. They never did.
The good Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the president at that time, dying on April 12, 1945. He was also the president during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, when the US was supposedly neutral. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy tested their weapons in Spain against the Spanish people and fascism could have been stopped and World War 2 and the Holocaust prevented if the US had aided the Spanish Republic.
Let us recall exactly what the Holocaust was. It was the deliberate, systematic, mass murder of 6 million of the 9 million people of Europe who happened to be of Jewish descent, by any and all means possible, aided by the Nazi military and the local fascists in every country invaded by the Nazi death machine.
It is not possible for the German adults of that era to not know what was going on, just as it is not possible for Americans today to not know the horrors of the society in which we live. We see the massive and growing poverty and in one way or another, we learn of the rotten school system, the prison-concentration camp system and the heinous crimes perpetrated by the US military all around the world both openly in Iraq and everywhere else in the world and in all of their illegal prison-concentration camps from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib to the secret death camps underground and on US warships in which people are put who have been kidnapped from around the world.
The Holocaust began with the appointment of Hitler by that good liberal Hindenberg in 1933. This is like the Democrats appointing the Republicans.
When you hear any idiot telling you that this stinking rotten backward capitalist cesspool is a democracy, please remind them that this backward country was built on the genocide of Native Americans, the enslavement of Africans and the vicious exploitation of the labor of all the rest of us. It is now the most backward country in the industrialized world with the highest infant mortality and lowest life expectancy due to having no national health care system as does the rest of the industrialized world since this country continues to put guns before butter.
Today it is Nazi USA's death machine that is the threat to world peace and the greatest proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is perpetrated by Nazi USA, including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. It is Nazi USA that perpetrated the 9/11/01 Inside Job and all subsequent bombings, just like Nazi Germany perpetrated the Reichstag Fire of February 1933. Just as Nazi Germany scapegoated Jews and Communists, Nazi USA scapegoats Arabs, Muslims and anyone including communists who are for peace.
So long as the profit motive exists, the horrors of Nazi USA will continue. Only a serious labor movement can put an end to this bankrupt social order called capitalism. Please join the labor contingent at all peace marches and if you can, organize the unorganized.