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New Jersey Activists Rearrested 7/29/2005

Following Anti-Terrorist Task Force raid and arrests last weekend, New Jersey activists have been rearrested today [7/29/2005]. They need your support now!
New Jersey Activists Rearrested 7/29/2005
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Following Anti-Terrorist Task Force raid and arrests last weekend, New Jersey activists have been rearrested today [7/29/2005]. They need your support now!

-----Original Message-----

Subject: Jail support need ASAP next time it could be you. .
.Lets make the call
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 18:33:50 EDT

Nicholas Cooney has been arrested once again. He was involved in a legal protest outside Glaxo Smith Kline's King of Prussia, PA facility and taken in for an outstanding warrant in Ocean County, NJ. He is currently being held in the Upper Merrion, PA jail, but will be extradited to NJ at an undetermined time, probably during the weekend.

Please make some polite but firm phone calls to the jail to request vegan food for Nick and to inquire about his well-being. The phone number there is 610 265-3232.

After Nick is extradited (an email will go out under separate cover), he will be transferred to the Ocean County Correctional Facility in Tom's River, NJ. After he has been transferred, the phone number for jail support calls will be 732 929-2043.

Nick's codefendant, Janice Angelillo, has agreed to surrender herself on Monday morning. Her bail has been set at $10,000 with no option to pay 10% or to post a bond.

Immediate cash donations are needed to pay for bail and prevent Nicholas and Janice from rotting in jail while they await their court dates. Both are excellent and dedicated activists. Please give whatever you can.

As we always say at demos:

When innocent activists are under attack, what do we do?


R. Ted Nebus
732 485-8520
x351912 (at)
From: Subject: More on Janice
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 20:30:10 -0400

This just went out on the nyc-anarchist listserv and I have confirmed it
with FW Ted Nebus. From what Ted told me, Janice actually is going to be
allowed the 10% option.
-Sam xxxxxxxxxx NYC IWW

NJ Activists held: JTTF raid on IWW/Animal Rights home
---------Please Repost-----------
------French and Spanish translations follow---------
Note: among those detained were a number of IWW organisers, a NYC Socialist Party officer, and a number of anarchist and animal rights activists.

NJ Activists in Need of Support
Monday, July 25, 2005 1:00 PM EST
Nick and Janice have had their bail posted following an intial hearing in New Jersey courts. Their case has been remanded to Municipal Court. We are awaiting their release.

Activists Janice Angelillo and Nick Cooney have been held in New Jersey for more than 48 hours under $15, 000 and $20, 000 bail respectively. They are being charged with an assortment of crimes including tresspass, vandalism and conspiracy. In addition, Janice Angelillo's home has been raided by the FBI/JTTF. It is believed they are being targeted for political reasons. Janice is the treasurer of the Central New Jersey Industrial Workers of the World and an avid animal rights activist. She is presently being held in Essex County Prison. She was not given her phone call until two days after being arrested.

At approximately 6:30pm (July 23), police arrived at her house in Highland Park, NJ and detained all the people in the house - Janice's husband Ted, another housemate, and a few friends who were with them. According to Ted, they have currently were detained for several hours by officers from New Jersey Joint Terrorism Task Force, brandishing automatic weapons and other firearms. This is being sent out by the request of the people currently being detained.

Sean White, an activist that was at the house working to raise bail money for Janice and Nick, reports the raid occured sometime around 6:30pm a warrant for this action was NOT signed by a judge until 11:15. They did not take anything until the warrant arrived, around 1am. A number of activists and friends from Animal Rights groups, the IWW, the Socialist Party, and others were detained all of that time. Searches were carried out on their cars and property also. We are concerned there will be further raids.

"I was one of the people detained, and it needed to be pointed out that the officers, notably the heavily-armed goon squad that stormed the house, did not have a warrant to enter. The warrant was not issued until later that evening. We were detained at 7:15 PM and did not get released until approximately four hours later." -- Daryle Lamont Jenkins: Anti-Racist activist with One Peoples Project, NJ.

As of 1PM Sunday afternoon (July 24), Janice and Nick are still being held in the Essex County Jail. Attempts to bond them out yesterday failed, as the State is refusing bond and demanding the full cash bail be paid.

You can Western Union to Janice's husband. You will need his full name and city the money is being picked up in: Robert Nebus, New Brunswick, NJ. Please call Ted and let him know you sent money, and the amount. If you want to donate money a different way, or provide something else, you can also call him. His number is 732-485-8520.

For anyone sending funds, the contact info is as follows: sean (at)

For Janice Angelillo support contact:

Ted Nebus
e-mail: x351912 (at) For Nick Cooney support contact:

e-mail: withstolenwings (at)

R. Ted Nebus
732 485-8520
x351912 (at)

sean (at)


The two arrestee's have been released on bail, and their charges sent to Municipal court, where it's less likely they will face further jail time.
Support events are being planned, and friends can continue to contact the previously listed adresses and numbers. Friends and family have expressed great thanks for the outpouring of support. Please keep in touch as things develop.

SPNJ Statement on the NJJTTF Raid on a Home in Highland Park

The Socialist Party of New Jersey condemns the heavy-handed actions of the
NJ Joint Terrorism Taskforce in their raid of a Highland Park House this

Using the excuse of "anti-terrorism", the NJ Joint Terrorism Taskforce
raided the home of labor and animal rights activist Janice Angelillo after
she was arrested for spray painting, detaining labor activists in town for
a labor training, completely unconnected to the spray painting incident.

The Socialist Party of New Jersey calls for the repeal of the USA Patriot
Act and any national, state of local "special powers" used under the guise
of "anti-terrorism", especially when used by the government to target
human rights, environmental rights and animal rights activists.

Adopted by the State Executive Committee 7/25/05

Socialist Party of NJ
NJ affiliate of the Socialist Party USA
PO Box 8622
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663


Dos activistas Nicholas Cooney y Janice Angelillo fueron arrestados esta semana y se
encuentran detenidos en las Instalaciones de la Correccional de Essex County en
Newark, Nueva Jersey.

Nick y Janice son activistas para la proteccion de los derechos de los animales
y Janice ademas es organizadora de Trabajadored Industriales del Mundo (IWW). Se les
acusa de varios delitos mayores que incluyen traspaso ilegal y vandalismo. Sus
fianzas se fijaron en $20,000 y $15,000 Dolares respectivamente. Deben pagar
la cantidad total en efectivo y se les a negado la opcion de depositar un bono
de fianza.

La Fuerza Conjunta Contra el Terrorismo [Joint Terrorism Task Force] efectuo
una redada en la casa de Janice el sabado por la noche. Varias personas fueron
detenidas en el sition por JTTF durante el cateo de la casa. De la cual se
llevaron la mayoria de sus pertenencias personales. Estos activistas necesitan
su ayuda para recabar fondos para poder pagar sus fianzas y gastos legales.

Cuando un activista es victima de acoso, es necesario que la comunidad se una
en solidaridad. Hagan todo lo possible por ayudar a sus camaradas. Para
obtener mas informacion, llame a Ted al 732 485-8520. Muchas Gracias!


Deux activistes en NJ sont arrÈtÈ : L'incursion de police nationale sur la maison d'activistes IWW/droits des animaux.

Lundi, Juillet 25, Est De 2005 13:00 Heures
LA DERNI»RE MISE ¿ JOUR : Nick et Janice ont eu leur presseur signalÈ aprËs une audition intial dans des cours de New Jersey. Leur cas a ÈtÈ renvoyÈ ‡ la cour municipale.
SOMMAIRE : Deux activistes ont ÈtÈ arrÍtÈ. Une maison a ÈtÈ pillÈe et des gens ont ÈtÈ dÈtenu. Parmi ceux dÈtenus Ètaient un certain nombre d'organisateurs d'IWW, un officier de parti Socialiste de NYC, et un certain nombre d'activistes anarchiste qui soutiens les droits des animaux. Veuillez les soutenir n'importe quelle maniËre que vous pouvez.

Des activistes Janice Angelillo et Nick Cooney ont ÈtÈ tenus dans New Jersey pour plus de 48 heures au-dessous de $15.000 et $20.000 Ècopent respectivement. Ils sont chargÈs d'un assortiment de crimes comprenant des tresspass, le vandalisme et la conspiration. En outre, la maison de Janice Angelillo a ÈtÈ pillÈe par le FBI et Joint Terrorism Taskforce. On croit qu'ils ont ÈtÈ visÈs pour des raisons politiques. Janice est le trÈsorier des Ouvriers Industriels du Monde (IWW) de New Jersey Central et une activiste avide de les droits des animaux. Elle actuellement est tenue dans la prison du comtÈ d'Essex. Elle n'a pas ÈtÈ donnÈe son appel tÈlÈphonique jusque ‡ deux jours aprËs avoir ÈtÈ arrÍtÈ.

Approximativement ‡ 18:30 heures (juillet 23), la police est arrivÈe ‡ sa maison en Highland Park, NJ et a dÈtenu toutes les personnes dans la maison - Ted, mari de Janice, des amis diffÈrent, et quelques amis qui Ètaient avec elles. Selon Ted, ils ont ÈtÈ dÈtenue pendant plusieurs heures par des officiers de New Jersey JTTF, des armes automatiques brandissantes et d'autres armes ‡ feu.

Sean White, un activiste qui Ètait dans la maison pour obtenir de l'argent de presseur pour Janice et Nick, rapporte l'incursion s'est produit autour 18:30 heures. Une garantie pour cette action n'a pas ÈtÈ signÈe par un juge jusque ‡ 11:15. Ils n'ont pas pris ‡ quelque chose jusqu'‡ ce que la garantie soit arrivÈe, autour 1 heures du matin. Un certain nombre d'activistes et d'amis des groupes de droits des animaux, de l'IWW, du Parti Socialiste, et de d'autres ont ÈtÈ dÈtenus tout ce temps. Des recherches illÈgal ont ÈtÈ effectuÈes sur leurs voitures et propriÈtÈ. Nous sommes concernÈs qu'il y aura d'autres incursions.

"J'Ètais un des personnes dÈtenues, et il a prÈcisÈe que les officiers, notamment le peloton lourd-armÈ de crÈtin qui a donnÈ l' assaut ‡ la maison, n'ont pas eu un garantie d?entrer. La garantie n'a pas ÈtÈ publiÈe jusque plus tard ‡ cette soirÈe. Nous avons ÈtÈ dÈtenus ‡ 7:15 P.M. et n'avons pas obtenu libÈrÈs jusqu'approximativement quatre heures ‡ plus tard." -- Daryle Lamont Jenkins : L'activiste d'Anti-Raciste avec One Peoples Project, NJ.

A 23:00 heures dimanche (juillet 24), Janice et Nick sont encore tenus en prison du Essex New Jersey. Les tentatives ‡ l'obligation ils hors hier d'ÈchouÈ, comme Ètat refuse l'obligation et en exigeant le plein presseur d'argent comptant soyez payÈ.

Vous pouvez envoyÈ l'argent par Western Union au mari de Janice. Vous aurez besoin de son nom et prÈnoms et la ville l'argent est prise dans : Robert Nebus, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Veuillez appeler Ted et faites-le vous connaÓtre a envoyÈ l'argent, et la quantitÈ. Si vous voulez donner de l'argent une maniËre diffÈrente, ou fournissez autre chose, vous pouvez Ègalement l'appeler. Son telephone est 732-485-8520.

Pour n'importe qui qui envoie des fonds, l'information de contact est comme suit : sean(‡)

Pour le contact de soutien de Janice Angelillo :

Ted Nebus
E-mail : x351912(at)

Pour le contact de soutien de Nick Cooney :

E-mail : withstolenwings(at)



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