Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Globalization : Peace : Protest Activity : September mobilization Info and Logistics

Announcing : Your portal for actions and logistics for September 23 - 26 in Washington, DC and beyond
Check out , which will be in full bloom very soon!

From September 23-26, thousands of anti-war, global justice, and other activists will flock to Washington, DC for the largest mobilization since last year's Republican National Convention protests in New York. will serve as an information clearinghouse for that weekend, including actions going on all over the country, and potentially all over the globe.

The website will include a directory of local and national groups participating in the mobilization, a calendar of events, legal information, posters and materials, and housing and transportation resources. You will be able to post your events, your resources, and your groups' needs to this website.

We also will announce any clearinghouses/spokescouncils/consultas that happen.

Please forward this message widely.

In the meantime, we have two listserves for you to join.

For a moderated listserve for September announcements, please send a blank email to

For an unmoderated discussion listserve, please send a blank email to

We hope you find the tools that will soon be available on this site useful.

In peace and solidarity,
septemberACTION Collective




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