Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Need help for Graffiti-Research

I´m a graffiti-researcher from Vienna/Austria here in Chicago on field-research for a couple of weeks. My issue are espacially verbal graffiti, which maybe so called four letter words as well as some lines lasting messages or reflections about politics, humanity etc., which are written with any tool on walls or things in public space by non-officials.
I´m very surprised, that there are so few graffiti-messages in Chicago. Even Universities seem to be "clean" (or better: cleaned?).
does anybody know places in Chicago, where there is much of thus writing (inside or outside)?
I would be very graceful for Your help.
Thomas Northoff

Mag. Thomas Northoff
Österreichisches GraffitiArchiv für Literatur, Kunst und Forschung
Fischerstiege 1-7/1/6
1010 Wien
TelFax: 1 5321200



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