How 9/11 has negatively impacted the lives of millions of people in the United States: Asians, Africans, Hispanic, Arabs, Muslims, citizens and non-citizens, and immigrants
New Book by Aladdin Elaasar on the impact of 9-11
How 9/11 has negatively impacted the lives of millions of people in the United States: Asians, Africans, Hispanic, Arabs, Muslims, citizens and non-citizens, and immigrants
"Silent Victims: The Plight of Arab & Muslim Americans in Post 9/11 America"
Published by
Toll Free: 888-280-7715, 888-519-5121
This book is the first and only book so far, which tackled the aftermath of 9/11 and how it impacted the lives of millions of people in the US negatively. It tells the untold story to the average reader about the plight of millions of people in the US and even in the West who have been suffering silently after 9/11. The book is an attempt to educate the nation on these issues, as an effort to heal and reconcile our communities. More than eight hundred of the victims of the terrorist attacks on 9/11 happened to be Arab and Muslim Americans. Arab, Muslim and Mid Eastern communities in the United States have been the collateral damage of 9/11.
9/11 has negatively impacted the lives of millions of people in the United State; (Asians, Africans, Hispanic, Arabs, Muslims, citizens and non-citizens, immigrants: both legal and illegal). There are about 3 million Arab-Americans in the United States and about 7 million Muslim Americans. 9/11 has negatively impacted the lives of millions of people in the US in terms of the hefty price they have been paying daily manifested in discrimination at schools, at the work place, and even senseless and brutal hate crimes.
"Silent Victims" is the first book to meticulously report on these events through the collaboration of many expert efforts of researchers at legal, law enforcement agencies and human rights organizations. The book is the first source to give the average reader a detailed account of these events. It also tells the stories of brave men and women who contributed to the rescue efforts from these communities.
Very few books have tried to answer the questions of: Who are the Arabs? Who are the Muslims? Who are the Arab Americans? The Stereotypes around Arabs, and how did they evolve? Arab and Muslims in the United States, where do they live and how many are they? Do Arabs have a shared religion? When did Arab people come to the United States? Are Arabs a minority group? Are Arab-Americans more closely tied to their country of origin, or to America? Arab Contributions to Civilization, if there is any? Are Arab Americans active in U.S. politics? Have Arab Americans won major political offices? Who are some prominent Arab-American politicians? Nevertheless, no books that deal with the plight of Arab and Muslim Americans after9/11 have been published yet.
"Silent Victims: The Plight of Arab & Muslim Americans in post 9/11 America", answers the many questions that a great number of people are trying to find answers for. The increasing public's curiosity about the Arabs, Muslims and the Arab and Muslim Americans in the United States has been unprecedented. The book also explains the phenomenon of stereotypes stigmatizing Arabs and Muslims, and how it has affected their lives, a phenomenon that demonized and dehumanized almost two billion people in this world.
In addition to the three million Arab Americans and seven million Muslim Americans, and many other communities in the United States that have been negatively affected by the backlash of 9/11, the tragic events have created an unprecedented curiosity to learn about Arabs and Muslims in general. Arab and Muslim American, and people of Middle Eastern ancestry will relate to the stories told in the book. The general American public will find it worth reading to learn for the first time that many of their favorite stars, like Paula Abdul, Selma Hayek, and Casey Casem, and, are Arabs and Americans, as well.
The book is also a detailed guide of Who's Who in the Arab and the Muslim communities in politics, medicine, entertainment industry, space discovery, and almost every endeavor of American live. The book is a useful tool for students in schools and colleges around the United States who would like to get a first hand account of who are the Arabs and Muslims, and for cross-cultural presentations in corporate environments and to government officials involved in the debate over minority issues and legislations related to 9/11 and the Middle East. Members of other ethnic communities in America and immigrant communities around the world, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Western Europe will find the Arab and Muslim experience in the United States, somehow similar to theirs.
Readers in the Arab and Muslims worlds, as they have felt the heat reflected on them in terms of US foreign policies, general populations in these countries will find the book interesting to learn about the experience of people with common roots from that area, and their plight after 9/11 in their endeavor to achieve the American dream.
About the Author:
Aladdin Elaasar is a journalist, educator, poet, short-story writer, public speaker, cross-cultural and media consultant whose writings have been published in several newspapers in the USA and overseas, in both English and Arabic. He has contributed articles for on-line portals on the Middle East. He produced several programs and documentaries and taught media studies, translation and creative writing. He has also been a frequent guest as a commentator on Middle Eastern affairs on several local American TV and Radio networks.
For more info, please contact:
Aladdin Elaasar
1015 Higgins Quarters, Suite 115
Hoffman Estates, IL 60194
omaraladin (at)
Call 847 668 4206
847 668-4206
To order please call Toll Free: 888-280-7715, 888-519-5121