LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Civil & Human Rights : Environment
Environmental Group calls for Community Solidarity

Environmental Group calls for Community Solidarity after being threatened by polluter
PERRO needs the support of the community to continue its campaign against H. Kramer's enviromental racism and H. Kramer's efforts to silence their main critic. Please come to our community forum this Saturday and let H. Kramer know that the people of Pilsen know that the truth is in the air they breathe, not the hot air from H. Kramer!
Community Environmental Forum
Saturday, July 30th
1-4 p.m.
Dvorak Park, Pilsen, 1119 W. Cullerton
1 pm - 2 pm analysis of reports issued by the EPA on H. Kramer.
2 pm - 4 pm: Panel discussion and community forum on how to have a healthy relationship between Industry and the Community