This is the information that pertains to the lock out of the Boilermakers L-484 of Meredosia, Illinois. We need to reach out to the world to assist us in putting pressure on Celanese of Dallas Tx. to bargain in good faith and to end the lockout of our members.
Appeal for Solidarity - International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 484
From: Paul Craig Sec/Treas. I.B.B.484 , Meredosia Illinois 62665
Email :
paul (at)
Subject : Lockout of I.B.B. 484
This is the information that pertains to the lock out of the Boilermakers L-484 of Meredosia, Illinois. The following information was sent to ICEM. We need to reach out to the world to assist us in putting pressure on Celanese of Dallas Tx. to bargain in good faith and to end the lockout of our members.
The members have been without wages since June 5th. I would greatly appreciate it if there is anyway to put out our cause to your readers for support.
484 Solidarity - Defense Fund P.O. 258 Meredosia, Illinois 62665 217-584-1916
Please contact me for more informtion.
Paul Craig I.B.B. 484
There are 148 employees with average plant age of mid 30s. The employees live in the 5 county bordering the plant.
Meredosia is located in western Illinois along the Illinois River. Celanese bought 1/2 our plant ibn Feb 2005. We signed a 120 day extension after the sale and it seems the company was spending more time on their contengency plan than negotiations. Negotiations broke down in the final days after 9 days of non-monetary discussions. The company issued the Lockout notice on June 3 and locked out the membership on June 5 at 9:30 pm. The company is offering to hold the helpers wages flat for the 3 year period of the contract, has insisted on placing our membership in Aetna family for insurance at a rate of 20 % premium union co-pay.
The insurance network plans for very limited coverage of doctors in our area. Most families will have to travel up to 50 miles to find a dr. in the network. The offer included retirees to copay for health insurance also and to freeze the pension rate at $48.00 per month per year of Aservice. As most of these proposals are consessionary to our members. We previously had a traditional 90/10 with no premium copays.
The membership voted on June 15, 145 to 2 to reject the companies offer. At the last meeting on July 7 the last proposal the company discussed was cutting the last best and final offer wages from the existing 23.00 to 20.00, Asst oper. from 21.50 to 16.00 and helper rates from 20.00 to 12.00, eliminating the maintenance department (29 jobs), warehouse department (10 jobs) and janitor (2 jobs ), as well as reducing previous agreed to items.
The company has been operating the plant with replacement workers (SCABS)and supervision since June 5th and just this week began to hire local replacements.
The plant was built in 1955 by National Starch and Chemical. National Starch was sold to Unilever in the mid 70s and Unilever sold National Starch to I.C.I.. I.C.I sold the Emulsion Division and 4 plants and 400 people to Celanese in Feb. 2005. The plant is currently partially owned by I.C.I. There are 3 seperate prodution divisions in the plant. The Liquid Emulisions,(EVA & PVA) the Solid Adhesives, (Hotmelt & Lacquer adhesives) and the Personal Care (cosmetic polymers). I.C.I. still operates and owns the solid adhesives and the personal care dept. The plant has a 12000 gllon Ethalene Vynal Acetate reactor and 5 - 6000 gallon reactors used to manufacture vynal acetate p.v.a. products, 2 - 3000 gallon reactors used to manufacture the pressure sensitive and laquer adhesive products. There is another department used in the manufacture of compounding pressure sensitive adhesives.
I am sure there are other items I am failing to address. You may check our web page at
The council feels the time has come to address the issue globally and to reach out to our brothers and sisters for support.
We appreciate any support you may contribute and are open to any ideas or suggestions.
Sincere thanks,
Paul Craig, Sec/Treas IBB 484 Meredosia Illinois (c) 217-257-545