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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Action needed Caravan members mistreated and not allowed to enter

Drop a quick email to protest detainment/expulsion of activists
For further details: Dorothy Naor: 09-958 4804 / 0544 507 804

-----Original Message-----
From: ActLeft (at) [mailto:ActLeft (at)] On Behalf Of Dorothy
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:36 PM
To: Act Left
Subject: [ActLeft] Action needed Caravene members mistreated and not allowed to enter

Forwarded by: Kay Krafczyk <kayforpeace (at)>

[Dear All,

Please read my addition following the below, as it furnishes additional information and a request to act.]


Dear friends, I just got a call(18:45)by Günter Schenk(Strassbourg)now of the middle of Checkpoint of bridge of Abdullah-all-more than 100 member-the caravane for Palestine, the Caravane for Justice will be expelled. Nobody can enter Israel-an order of the Interior ministry. They would get their passports back in the bus , that will take them to the Jordan side of the bridge. The should leave the hall in a few minutes.

Israel is, in opposite to Syria, that welcomed the caravane in every way very friendly and .

A lawyer from Spain cried something aloud in Spain, but I didn`t understand. I heard than all members laid themselves on the floor to protest being expelled.....that`s the main thing

GS asked to forward this to all friends and if possible to the press.



Ellen Rohlfs <ellen.rohlfs (at)> wrote:

Liebe Freunde, ich erhalte gerade (18 uhr 45) einen Telefonanruf von Günter
Schenk, (Straßburg), jetzt mitten aus dem Grenzkontrollpunkt bei der
Abdullahbrücke (Jordan): alle - mehr als 100 Teilnehmer - der "Karavane für
Palestine, Karavane des Rechtes" werden ausgewiesen. Keiner wird nach Israel
hineingelassen - eine Order vom Innenministerium. Die Pässe würden sie erst
wieder im Bus erhalten, der sie auf die jordanische Seite der Brücke
Israel ist im Gegensatz zu Syrien, das die Karavane sehr freundlich und in
Im Raum war großes Getöse zu hören, auch eine Rechtsanwältin aus Spanien
rief laut auf englisch etwas, was ich aber nicht verstehen konnte. Ich hörte
ausgewiesen zu werden. Sie wollen sich einzeln hinaustragen lassen. GS bat
Ellen Rohlfs


As Ellen, I too had a phone call from Guenter, about an hour later than below (17:45)--though the time difference is probably the one between Germany and Israel. Guenter related the same to me as to Ellen, but asked me to do what I could, and said that he would phone me in a few moments. He related that all their passports had been confiscated. I spoke to 2 Israeli lawyers, and tried to phone Guenter for further information and to give him the phone numbers of the lawyers, but was unable to reach him. He did not phone me back. Finally, just a few minutes ago (22:40) I managed to reach him again. The group is now at on the Jordanian side of the bridge, in the Customs hall.

The Israeli officials at the Allenby Bridge did not let the Caravene into Israel, stating that the order not to let them in had come directly from the Minister of Interior. Guenter further relates that the soldiers (border police?) had treated them very roughly, pushing some of the women with force. Although they are now in Jordan, their documents have not yet been returned to them.

Today was a very hot day. The Israeli authorities held the group at the bridge for over 20 hours. Guenter said that they are exhausted. Also, most of the media is in the south of Israel, reporting on the activities of the opposition to the disengagement. So that almost anything can be done elsewhere without anyone knowing about it.

The Caravene is a non-violent group of people coming to Palestine-Israel in the name of peace.

PLEASE PHONE/FAX/EMAIL and PROTEST the mistreatment of the participants and refusal to allow them to enter Palestine or Israel TO THE ISRAELI MINISTER OF INTERIOR, Ophir Pines-Paz

Thanks, Dorothy

1. [from abroad] +972 2 675 3754
[from Israel] 02 675 3754
2.[from abroad] +972 2 675 3256
[from Israel] 02 675 3256

Fax: [from abroad] +972 2 649 6171
[from Israel] 02 649 6171

email: pinespaz (at)



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