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RED HOOK JUSTICE documentary

In 2000 an experimental court opened its doors in Red Hook, Brooklyn—a neighborhood plagued
by a cycle of unemployment, poverty and crime—and became the center of the community justice
movement. Instead of jail time, offenders are
sentenced to job training, drug counseling,
community service. But it’s no easy way out. If they fail, they face longer jail time.

RED HOOK JUSTICE profiles the early years of this
bold new approach to stopping crime and healing a
community. The filmmakers were allowed exclusive
access at the court for nearly two years, capturing vérité scenes of intake interviews in the Center's holding cells, court proceedings, community meetings, and other day-to-day workings of the Justice Center. The stories of a diverse mix of RHCJC staffers and defendants illustrate the ups and downs of this court.
Red Hook Justice jkt.pdf (196 k)
Red Hook Justice jkt.pdf (196 k)
“Absolutely outstanding! [RED HOOK JUSTICE] was able to capture the true essence of what makes a community court tick. In one hour, one is able to become part of the process, go behind the scenes and get a real sense of the daily lives of all of all of those involved in the court. For anyone interested in learning more about the changing face of the America's courts, this documentary is a must-see!” - David Bookstaver, Communications Director, New York State Court System

"An important, engaging film that demonstrates how juvenile and criminal courts could work better. The characters' stories make this an essential resource for anyone involved the justice system." - Marty Beyer, Ph.D., Psychologist and Juvenile Justice/Foster Care Consultant

”Very good! A compelling story about a new approach to justice and public safety. Traditional court systems make determinations of guilt and innocence, but don't necessarily do a very good job of solving problems. RED HOOK JUSTICE offers the promise of addressing complex problems in humane and practical ways. It's a story that needs to be heard in every community.” - Marc Mauer, Asst Director, The Sentencing Project

"The Red Hook Community Justice Center - the first multi-jurisdictional court in the country - seeks not only to ensure that the wheels of justice turn smoothly and quickly, but also to help those who come before it to turn their lives around." - Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York City

“RED HOOK JUSTICE poignantly demonstrates that compassionate justice is possible, more humane, and even cost-effective. It should be seen by all Judges, politicians, prosecutors, and the public as it reveals that an alternate form of addressing law-breaking behavior by examining its roots IS possible.” - Tanya Krupat, MSW, MPH, Former Director of the NYC Children of Incarcerated Parents Program

"Highly Recommended! A well developed presentation about a community justice center. Utilizing an effective combination of interviews, live-action video, and narration, this carefully pieced together program offers a clear explanation of how the Red Hook Community Justice Center works, as well as providing an inside study into actual cases which play out on the screen before us." - Educational Media Reviews Online

“An inspiring production about an innovative and reasonable community justice program. Can easily shepherd students and others into discussions on ‘the larger question of what we need beyond the Justice Center,’ and how the balance between ‘personal and societal responsibility’ can best be achieved.” - Charles S. Lanier, Capital Punishment Research Initiative, Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Center School of Criminal Justice, University at Albany

"Remarkable! A beacon of hope for those of us who care about justice. Coming off an era when the conventional wisdom was that 'nothing works'… this is good news indeed." - New York Sun

“If Steven Bochco is shopping around for new drama material now that "NYPD Blue" is gone, he should catch RED HOOK JUSTICE.” - The New York Daily News



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