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LOCAL News :: Animal Rights

Protest abusive Circus

Carson & Barnes Circus Coming to Glen Ellyn

Carson & Barnes Circus Coming to Glen EllynThe infamous Carson & Barnes Circus will be stopping by Glen Ellyn as it tours Illinois. Carson & Barnes Circus is notorious for being extremely abusive of their animals and the animal care director was even caught on tape attacking elephants with a bullhook, shocking elephants with an electric prod, and instructing trainers to embed sharp metal hooks into the elephants flesh until the elephants scream in pain.

Carson & Barnes Circus Coming to Glen Ellyn
They have been fined numerous times by the USDA, but continue to abuse and neglect their animals. The USDA has cited them for everything from refusing to allow their animals food and water while in transit, to neglecting their animals health causing the many animals to die while in their care. Carson & Barnes has absolutely no regard for their animals.

We cannot let Carson & Barnes come to Illinois without letting them know how we feel about them. We are currently in the planning stages of a full-scale protest and leafleting for Glen Ellyn. We are also planning leafletings outside each of the events scheduled for Illinois including: Melrose Park on July 15, 16, 17, Glen Ellyn on July 18, 19, and Skokie on July 22, 23, 24. If you can spare two hours for any of these events, please contact us at codsad (at) We can use your help!



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