Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Media : Urban Development

Public Hearing for a City-wide Wireless Network in Chicago, July 21

The first of three public hearings on the need for affordable high speed internet access in Chicago neighborhoods and business districts: July 21, 6:30pm, Truman College, 1145 West Wilson Avenue, Room #3641
The City Council Committees on Finance and Economic, Capital, and Technology Development have assembled a Task Force of community leaders and elected officials to address high speed internet opportunities for all Chicago residents. Our primary goal is to determine a vision and a strategy to guide the City of Chicago in its efforts to ensure that affordable high speed internet access is accessible in every neighborhood of the city.

To this end, we have scheduled the first of three public hearings on the need for affordable high speed internet access in Chicago neighborhoods and
business districts. The first meeting will be held:

Date: Thursday, July 21, 2005

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Truman College, 1145 West Wilson Avenue, Room #3641

We are still in the process of scheduling meetings on the west side and south side of the city and will inform you as soon as those dates and locations are confirmed.

It is very important that you or a representative from your organization make every effort to attend one of the meetings nearest to you. We hope that you can also assist us by inviting residents and businesses to testify at these hearings. The level of public demand and support will be crucial
as we make plans to move forward.

Please contact Aileen Kim at (773) 736-5594 (or simply reply to this email) to confirm your attendance and the names of people who are expected to testify.

Thank you for your time and we hope to see you at the hearings.



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