Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Environment

Illinois PIRG : Expose the World's Biggest Oil Company

Email activism alert against Exxon's corporate and environmental policies.
Today, we joined with 11 other environmental and public interest groups
to launch an unprecedented campaign to "Exxpose Exxon" and the
company's efforts to drill for oil at any cost.

As the world's largest and most profitable oil company, ExxonMobil
needs to shed its past as an irresponsible oil company and move forward as
a responsible energy company - one committed to more than drilling at
any price.

What can you do? Take a moment to tell CEO Lee Raymond how you feel
about ExxonMobil's policies on global warming, the Arctic Refuge, and oil
dependence. Send a letter pledging not to buy ExxonMobil's gas, invest
in ExxonMobil's stock, or work for the company. Then ask your family
and friends to help Exxpose Exxon by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:

Why ExxonMobil?

ExxonMobil represents yesterday's energy policy at a time when we
desperately need to move forward. At every turn, ExxonMobil has acted
consistently to move our country backward. Despite earning record profits at
a time of rising gasoline prices, ExxonMobil has failed to invest in
clean energy solutions to ease America's oil dependence.

ExxonMobil has funded pseudo-scientists to produce "research" to hide
the facts about global warming and worked to derail efforts to cut
global warming pollution. The company also continues to lobby to drill in
the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to help fuel the country's
oil addiction and pad its bottom line - just for a little while longer.

Please take a moment to tell CEO Lee Raymond how you feel about
ExxonMobil's policies on global warming, the Arctic Refuge, and oil
dependence. Send a letter pledging not to buy ExxonMobil's gas, invest in
ExxonMobil's stock, or work for the company. Then ask your family and friends
to help Exxpose Exxon by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


Rebecca D. Stanfield
Illinois PIRG Environmental Attorney
RebeccaS (at)

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this
e-mail with your family and friends.



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