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LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education : Peace : Protest Activity

July 19th talk in Western Suburbs: Counter-Recruiting

Two west suburban peace groups are sponsoring a panel on issues related to peace. Learn about the current work to build a homeless veterans shelter from Dirk Enger, and counter-recruiting from Ray Parrish. July 19, 7 p.m., Batavia Public Library

Dirk Enger, a Desert Storm veteran and co-founder of Veterans for Progress, will make a presentation on veterans’ benefits and current legislation affecting veterans on Tuesday, July 19, at the Batavia Public Library at 7 p.m. Veterans for Progress is a non-profit organization that educates the public on veterans’ issues. Following this a presentation will be made by Ray Parrish, a Vietnam veteran and GI counselor for Vietnam Veterans Against the War. The slogan of VVAW's Military Counseling Service is “Leave No Vet Behind.” Parrish has run a draft and military counseling agency, been a Veterans Service Officer for the American Legion and a rehabilitation caseworker. Parrish will discuss military recruiting of minors.
The event is co-sponsored by the Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice and the Greater Aurora Peace and Justice group. Please join us for two informative talks and questions following the presentations. The event will start at 7 p.m. at the Batavia Public Library. The Batavia Public Library is located at 10 S. Batavia Avenue in Batavia, Illinois. Refreshments will be served. Admission is free.
For more information visit the Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice web site,, or call Mary at 847-742-6602.



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