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DHS kicks off new offensive against activists
in a recent online ruse to draw out elf/alf/uglf (Environmental Liberation Front/Animal Liberation/Urban Guerrilla Liberation Front)supporters, sympathisers, activists and organisers by the Department of Homeland (in)Security (DHS)JTTF by planting a false flag post on New York City's Independent Media website.

DHS launches new false flag offensive
UGLF Media Platoon
for immediate release:
in a recent online ruse to draw out elf/alf/uglf (Environmental Liberation Front/Animal Liberation/Urban Guerrilla Liberation Front)supporters, sympathisers, activists and organisers by the Department of Homeland (in)Security (DHS)JTTF by planting a false flag post on New York City's Independent Media website.
the post was supposedly authored by the EarthFirst collective.
EarthFirst is an educational, organisational and peaceful activist group. its number one priority is the defence our mother earth. EF is noted for tree-sits and encouraging a responsible approach towards living on this planet.
the post included below seeks to draw out underground activists who engage in radical direct action by giving them access to the mainstream press which in turn would allow these severally misunderstood groups an opportunity to tell their side of the story to the american public. in addition this alleged segment sought to give a human face to those who support and/or symapthize with these shadowy groups by means of on or off air interviews. as a final note this proposed 60 minutes segment sought video/photos of direct action by these groups.
this is the post
"CBS 60-Minutes is looking for video tapes produced by earth or animal liberation activists who are on the run. They are also interested in interviewing people who support sabotage or resistance to US and corporate destruction.
Please contact the Earth First Journal at collective (at)
Or call 520 620-6900
Activists wanted by the FBI are advised to take all precautions in making contact or sending videos. Use pay phones where there are no video cameras, use pirated wi-fi connections, buy an anonymous Cricket or other cell phone and voice changer or other extreme measures to maintain security.
Join the Iraqi Resistance – Let’s have a Global Tea Party!"
this is a bold new tactic being employed by DHS to intimate, suppress and snuff out dissent here and abroad against the neo-con/bush white house. false flag operation are not new, they have been effectively employed since the 60's. in the post 9/11 world of the patriot act I& II the FBI have targeted several activists, organisers and groups to include food not bombs, anarchists and the anti-war movement. during the g-8, the democratic and republican national conventions last year and into the weeks prior to the election harassment and intimidation by means of visits, raids and arrests caused serious problems towards organising efforts being made by these groups.
with the summer season here there are sure to be protests, demonstrations and radical direct action. the g-8 is next week in scotland and already the bristol imc server has been confiscated as is the usual forms of overt actions taken by dhs prior to an event of this size. another favourite is to discredit a group or activist with comments on the imc newswire, calling them "flakes" or "cops" is their typical m.o. divide and discredit the activist community and deny its ability to organise successfully and sow the seed of distrust.
this tactic of posing as journalists is a frightening escalation in the war on dissent. again the goal of this is simple distrust, discredit and divide the movement and it will bog itself down with infighting. the more vocal, militant and organised groups both above and below ground will be hunted in to extinction through arrests, detentions raids and allegations of being terrorists.
as a cautionary note in closing, JTTF will tap your phone, follow you, monitor your e-mail to include jamming and diverting it. they will raid your home and if need be supeana and or arrest you. so regardless your affiliation you are an enemy of the bush empire some of us are just considered a higher threat risk.
good hunting,
and we will never be silenced