Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Labor

7/23Chicago Labor Conf For Palestine

There will be a national conference on the issue of Labor and Palestine on July 23, 2005

Rebuilding Labor at the AFL-CIO Convention in Chicago, July 23, 2005

On July 23, 2005, LFP will hold a national educational conference in
Chicago on the issues of Palestine, Labor and the AFL-CIO. At the same
time that the National AFL-CIO supports the US war and occupation of
Iraq, it also defends the "strangulation wall
" and the
institution of an apartheid state against the Palestinian workers and
people. This conference will examine the history of the relationship of
the AFL-CIO to Israel as well as the extensive investments of AFL-CIO
pension funds into Israel Bonds.

We will also look at the active efforts of the AFL-CIO leadership and
supporters of Israel to silence its critics in the labor movement. This
will include a review of past efforts to purge professors and teachers
who are supporters of Palestinian rights. Finally, the conference will
look at how and why the labor movement around the world has come to the
defense of Palestinian workers and unions. We invite labor activists,
trade unionists and union locals to endorse and participate in this
critical conference.

Where? The University of Illinois, Chicago, IL. Student Center East
(formerly Chicago Circle Center - CCC), 750 S. Halsted Street 6th Floor,
Room 605.

When? Saturday, July 23rd, 2005 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Features: The event will include local and international speakers who
have led labor delegations to Palestine, or who have experience in US
labor activism. The conference will also debut two new documentaries:
Breaking Walls by
Video 48 on labor in Palestine, and the latest film by Alternate Focus
, which investigates the contradictory
relationship between US labor and Israel.

Parking: There is a short-term metered parking lot directly across from
the conference location. The rates are 15 minutes for every quarter and
accommodates people loading and unloading their vehicles, or those
staying for less than two hours, which requires feeding the meter. This
facility can be accessed via the entrance on Polk Street (see map

Adjacent to the short term lot is a multi-level parking garage with
hourly rates ranging from $2-$9. This facility, listed on the map
as HTPS or
Halsted/Taylor Parking Structure, can be accessed via the entrance at
760 West Taylor Street.

Public Transportation: Take the CTA Blue Line and get off at the
UIC/Halsted stop. As you exit the platform via the east ramp you will
come up on Halsted St. Turn right and walk two blocks south to your

There are several CTA bus routes with stops that are within 0-3 blocks
of the conference including the #8 Halsted, #7 Harrison, #37
Sedgewick/Ogden and #12 Roosevelt. For directions from your specific
location please call the RTA at 312-836-7000 and give them your intended
arrival time and departure location. You can also find this information
online at .

Accessibility: The conference is being held in a fully accessible
location in accordance with ADA requirements. For specific information
please visit the Office for Access and Equity home page at
or call
their office at 312-996-8670 or 312-413-3035 (TTY).

People requiring special parking accommodations should contact the
Office for Access and Equity as well as the parking enforcement office
at 312-413-9020 prior to the day of the conference.

LFPs Resolution on Israel Bonds
To Be Presented at the

Whereas, the use of union pension money is a vehicle for bringing change
against union busters in the US and around the world and,

Whereas, the purchase of Israel Bonds has helped the Israeli government
pursue it's continued construction of illegal settlements in the West
Bank and Gaza and,

Whereas, these pension funds have been invested without the knowledge
and vote of the membership of unions within the AFL-CIO and,

Whereas, the Israeli government has targeted trade unionists and their
unions for repression and destruction and,

Whereas, the US labor movement opposed the apartheid regime in South
Africa and opposes all regimes that discriminate against workers because
of religion, race or national origin and,

Whereas, US labor can no longer acquiesce with the polices of the
AFL-CIO leadership including many internationals in continuing the
financial support of this regime,

Whereas, US labor must divest from any regime or institution that
violates international law, including the Palestinian right to return,

Therefore, be it resolved, the following trade unionists call on our
affiliated unions and the AFL-CIO to divest of all Israeli bonds and to
oppose the continued occupation and apartheid regime in Israel.

Divestment Articles

A Selfish Freedom for Israel's Universities

Socialist Worker, May 21, 2005
To Boldly Go

The Guardian, April 20, 2005
Israeli College Boycott Debated

The Guardian, April 19, 2005
Boycott Threat to Israeli Colleges

The Guardian, April 17, 2005
Israel Row Hits College

The Guardian, April 17, 2005
Lecturers' Union to Debate Boycott of Israel

The Guardian, May 5, 2003
Boycott as Resistance: The Moral Dimension
by Omar
Barghouti, December 28, 2004
Boycott and Divestment News
a collection of
articles from Electronic Intifada
Dismantling US-Style Apartheid

a history of anti-apartheid activism in the US, by Evalyn Tennant,
Spring 2004
In Defense of a Divestment Campaign Against Israel
by Francis Boyle, May
20, 2002



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