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Every time Bush gets into trouble he runs crying to daddy. During the Vietnam war Bush didn't want to serve so he ran to daddy and served in the national guard. Today Bush insists that everbody in the military must follow the law but he didn't have to when he supposedly served. For more read the book ( Unfit Commander: Texans for Truth Take on George W. Bush )
In Formaldegate Bush has committed contempt of court and perjury. To quote from (Did Bush lie under oath in funeral home case? by Robert Bryce and Anthony York, paragraph 1. ) " A sworn affidavit by Texas Gov. George W. Bush insisting he had no discussions about a state investigation into a political contributor's funeral home business has been contradicted by the company's own lawyer." To quote from ( Bush in Contempt on Formaldegate ?, by Robert Bryce, paragraph 2.) "the former executive director of the Texas Funeral Service Commission, filed a motion asking a state court to find Bush in contempt for not telling the truth about his interactions with officials from Service Corporation International," Perjury and contempt of court are grounds for impeachment. Bill Clinton, Federal Judges Alcee Hastings and Walter Nixon all were impeached for perjury yet when George Bush commits perjury nobody in the country cares.

When George Bush got into trouble over Harken Energy he ran crying to daddy and he got a whitewash from his personal attoney JAMES DOTY. To quote from ( Harken Energy - Bush's No Good Trade by Tom Flocco, paragraph 5. ) "The SEC investigation of George W. was led by general counsel James R. Doty who, according to a UPI report, mysteriously neglected to interview any of the Harken directors." "Moreover, Doty had previously served as George W. Bush's personal lawyer" "So, in the end, the younger Bush was cleared of insider trade wrongdoing by his personal attorney and by his father's vice-presidential counsel, a virtual impossibility for the average U.S. citizen." Both Bush's personal attorney (James Doty) and his father's vice-presidential counsel were working for the SEC at this time as noted in the story ( Harken Energy - Bush's No Good Trade ).

Do an Internet Search with the words ( Bush and James Doty ).

Read the Hawaii Indymedia story ( Bush Lies, Bush Perjury by Peter ).

Read the Seattle Indymedia story ( Bush Lies Bush Perjury by Harlan ).

Read the story ( Did George W. Bush Evade Income Taxes on His Harken Loans? by Bob Fertik ).

Even though George Bush has not been convicted of perjury or of contempt of court in formaldegate or of Insider Trading in his Harken Energy dealings he still can be impeached. Note the story of U.S. Federal Judge Alcee Hastings who was acquitted of criminal charges before he was impeached in the U.S. House by a vote of 413 to 3. To quote from (1989 Congressional Quarterly Almanac, page 229, paragraph 2.). "Hastings was the first person to be convicted by the Senate after winning an acquittal from a jury at a criminal trial on related charges." To quote from ( Proceedings of the U.S. Senate in the Impeachment Trial of Alcee L. Hastings, Part Five, Standard of Proof and Impact of the Jury Verdict, top of page is numbered 283, and bottom of page is numbered 167, paragraph 2. ). "In this very case, the Senate determined that impeachment is not a criminal proceeding." "It is an independent proceeding serving a fundamentally different purpose than criminal prosecution."

For additional information read the version of this story at Los Angeles Indymedia ( Bush Lies About Formaldegate, by Greg, November 8, 2004).



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