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LOCAL Announcement :: Environment

Stelle Community to host Permaculture Weekends

Three weekends of permaculture workshops will be held at the community of Stelle, IL
Experience a wonderful way to learn about creating sustainable systems that care for ourselves, each other, our environment and our future.

Join us for one or more of our three Permaculture Workshop Weekends.

Permaculture is about the art and science of designing living systems that are capable of caring for all people on our planet while at the same time caring for the planet. Join us for one, two, or all three fascinating Permaculture Workshop Weekends to obtain a great overview of permaculture. We will also explore three distinct aspects of this holistic approach to designing sustainable living systems. Weekends begin on a Thursday afternoon and end mid-day the following Sunday. Each weekend includes classroom instruction, guest presenters, one or more stimulating tours, tent camping (some lodging available), 9 organic meals plus time for swimming, walking and more. Hosted by Center for Sustainable Community in Stelle, Illinois. Please forward this email on to those who you think might like to know about this. Thank You.

Click Here for all the Details on all Three Weekends

Weekend #1 (June 30 – July 3) Suburban and Urban Permaculture

Featuring: Larry Korn

Translator of The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

“Turning one’s love of the soil into a residential Garden of Eden”

Guest Presenter: Neris Gonzales (Permaculture in El Salvador)

Tours: - Jon & June Haeme’s Strawbale Home

- Mark and Guia Hoffman’s Permaculture Gardens

Weekend #2 (July 21 – 24) Moving into Small Scale Agriculture with Permaculture

Featuring: Mark Shepard

Agri-forester – Permaculture Certification Instructor – Farmer

“Converting 1 to 100 Acres into an Ecological and Profitable System”

Guest Presenter: Candice Chaffee (Certified Natural Health Practitioner)

Tour: Spence Farm (175 years old) deriving income from their woods, restored prairie, gardens, fields and pasture animals.

Weekend #3 (August 4 – 7) The Integration of Animals into a Permaculture System

Featuring: Bruce Rickard (and Family)

Owners of Fox Hollow Farm in Fredericktown, Ohio

“Proper Design Yields the Healthiest Animals, People and Environment”

Guest Presenter: Laura Paine (Univ. of Wis. Pasture Specialist)

Tours: - Mint Creek Farm (500 head sheep farm)

- AquaRanch (Commercial greenhouse raising fish and herbs)

- The Moore Family Farm (poultry, goats, pigs, cattle, more…)

Come and meet us at the three day MREA Fair near Stevens Point Wisconsin from June 17-19 (booth 55). This fair is the world’s largest of its kind. On Friday the 17th Mark Shepard will be speaking at 10:00 a.m. on Permaculture while later in the day some of us from CSC & Stelle will be sharing our experience of community and sustainability at 5:00.

We would appreciate your help in getting the word out in order to promote the benefits of permaculture. Please forward this email on to your friends, family and mailing lists. Thank you very much…

Center for Sustainable Community

123 Crescent Lane, Stelle, Illinois 60919.

Email: csc (at) Website: Phone: 815-256-2204

Center for Sustainable Community, a 501c3 tax exempt educational organization, is committed to fostering more sustainable ways of living on our planet. We respect your desire for privacy and never give or sell our email list to others. If you wish to be removed from our list simply return any email with the word ‘remove’ in the subject line and we will promptly oblige. We are grateful for all those participating in the greater work of improving the long term quality of life on our planet. Thank you for your part in making ours, a more sustainable and loving world.

We invite you to forward our emails and website information to anyone you feel would appreciate our mission and work.

“For what’s the use of a house, if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”

-- Henry David Thoreau



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