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Chicago Indymedia

News :: Labor

IWW Web Sites Upgraded!

Coinciding with our 100th anniversary, the IWW is pleased to announce its new and improved website! Our site now includes dynamic news content, IWW member log-ins, IWW news content that can be syndicated, RSS / XML feeds, live RSS / XML links, member forums, an events calendar, and much more. All of our old site content is also featured here, mostly in the familiar locations.
IWW Web Sites Upgraded!

Coinciding with our 100th anniversary, the IWW is pleased to announce its new and improved website! Our site now includes dynamic news content, IWW member log-ins, IWW news content that can be syndicated, RSS / XML feeds, live RSS / XML links, member forums, an events calendar, and much more. All of our old site content is also featured here, mostly in the familiar locations.

IWW members will need to sign up for user accounts before being able to add content and access or join web forums. If you are an IWW member, please register to set up your new user account.

Of course, our ability to provide these sites depends on the support of our members and allies. We encourage all of you to become regular donors to the IWW.ORG sustaining fund to help keep IWW.ORG sustainable and self-sufficient. Visit to become a regular sustaining donor.

Better yet, consider joining the IWW and organizing in your industry / workplace to abolish wage slavery!

Solidarity Forever!



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