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Announcement :: Globalization : Protest Activity

UGLF Communique 05.01.2005

text from the yet to be released may day video communique
greetings people of the world, this communique comes to from the very people you depend on we connect your calls, we fix your food, we drive you in your cars. in short we are all around you in plain sight but you can not see us. we are a simple yet a passionate group of individuals who have chosen principles of freedom and liberation over fear, oppression and compliance with the neo-con agenda of the imperialist bush regime` which we consider to be the true weapons of mass destruction.
for centuries capitalism has enslaved the masses, explioted the natural resources of our home, mother earth has been ravished by the greed of a few and acheived on the backs of the many with little or no reward for the workers that built this injustice. now we stand at forefront in a global insurrection against these warmongers and and slave masters of the world. we are engaged in a struggle that is the battle for the future of the liberation of man and our home.
it is our responsibility and our right to fight back these forces of neo-imperialism, that through its policies seeks to conquer the planet's population through economic enslavement. these governments, these corperations and their supporters we will hold accoutable for these actions. in addition it is our duty to take these actions in defense of our comrades who will not accept that revolution not reform is nesscary and unavoidable.
we thank every one who supports our actions and have taken to the streets on several occasions to protest and voice their dissent aginst these policies of globicide and economic domination.
we do not require weapons or soliders, for we have more than enough to achieve liberation from this illegal regime. we simply ask you to form a world wide solidarity network against war, globalazation, and economic enslavement along with destruction of our mother earth. a network that will be governed by the free thinking and egalitarian values we seek for a better world. a network that will create a new world which will be free of oppression and enslavement thrust upon us by these criminals in power around the world. a network which will build new ways to live in peace and justice and harmony with our planet.
boycotting of fossil fuels, of all corperations and their consumer products, withholding the currecy that has us chained to wage slavery. we must hurt them in many ways so as to get our voices heard. we must educate our brothers and sisters to this struggle. we must by our own means report on this insurrection for the neo-con's media will not and it will lie about or ignore our many actions and victories.
this struggle only needs more who are willing to share the reports of vitories over this evil empire. the enemies of liberation are on the run, they live in fear from a resistance that is everywhere and nowhere.
we choose when, where and how to take action. from massive street fighting with the authorities to individual direct action to bring retribution for those who support or are active archeitects of this agenda of oppression. as america was the birth place of the ideals of liberation again we redefine the words revolution and liberation from fear.
it is now we will begin to pen the next chapter in the arts of urban guerrilla warfare. now that by supporting those engaged in this battle you help yourself, for it is for the good of our species.
by taking to the streets and in boycotting their policies and products we can isolate their agenda.
this struggle is not only a struggle in america but a struggle for the globe, we along with the planets population can no longer remain enslaved by fear of war with out end and economic opppression.
we will in america as we will worldwide force them to waste their resources in attempts to destroy our resistance. we will sap their amnpower and their morale to compell them to capitulate and surrender on our terms. we will in the end steal back what has been stolen from us.
we will inconvience and disrupt the very fabric which supports this beast of global domination and make it it impossible for the to resist our advances.
the sooner we begin this struggle the sooner the liberation will be reached. to any supporter of this agenda, public servant, government employee or member of the security forces of this illegal empire you can choose not to continue in its service. you an refuse out right or you can provide aid to the insurrection forces. stand with us and our comrades against these lies we will obsolve those of you who join us of all complicity in this illegal regime. for those that remain loyal to the empire you will face the the justice deined so many under your tyranny. those of you who are the foot soldiers and mercinaries of this empire we say this is not your war join us, refuse to engage in actions against the further oppression of your people. you are not fighting for justice or equality you are fighting for lies whether it is in iraq, in the streets of america or spying on a movement that seeks to destroy the vile entites that has created this struggle this is not your war...
as a final word especially for george w. bush you have asked those of us who do not stand with you and declared us "terrorists" to bring it on, we have brought it, sat it down on the table and unpacked it for you. have you another request?



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