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DePaul's Resident Nazi Exposed by Dershowitz

Out out damn nazi!
Professor Alan Dershowitz from Harvard has decided to expose some of the lies and the barely-hidden neonazi political agenda of "professor" Norman Finkelstein, an untenured assistant professor at DePaul University, the same school that this year fired Professor Thomas Klocek for daring to tell the truth about the "Palestinians" and Israel. Finkelstein has been defined as a Holocaust Denier by the Anti-Defamation League. Like so many neonazis, Finkelstein is a regular Cockburn Cockroach over at Counterpunch.

Dershowitz has set up a site to "out" DePaul's Holocaust Denier. It is called 'The Committee to Expose Norman Finkelstein’s Close Connections to Neo-Nazism, Holocaust Denial, and His “Big Lie” of an “International Jewish Conspiracy.'

The document's name is a bit long, but its contents are definitely worth reading through. Dershowitz made the mistake of debating Finkelstein a couple of years back, giving Finkelstein some exposure and making him appear as a legitimate "alternative researcher," which he decidedly is not. . While Dersh wiped the floor with Finkelstein, the latter and his neonazi followers have been spreading the version that Finkelstein "won" that debate. Now Finkelstein has crayoned a new "book" attacking in infantile terms Dershowitz's own fine book about Israel.

Dershowitz's exposure of Finkelstein's quack "opinions" and pseudo-scholarship is devastating. It is too long to reproduce here in full, but we provide a few small nuggets from the Dershowitz web site:

Finkelstein Citations:

Question: “[Mr. Finkelstein] If you are a historian, why didn't you write a serious study about the subject? Why didn’t you do research yourself? Interview people, etc.?”
Finkelstein’s answer: “Why should I interview people?”

…on obeying Chomsky
“I’m a person of the left, and when you get a call from Professor Chomsky [asking you to ‘find’ that a pro-Israeli book you haven’t even read was a ‘fraud’], his wish is your command.”

“I don’t know about Judaism, but [neonazi Israel Shahak, an anti-Jewish zealot who wrote that Jews worship Satan] did. He knew it well. He took an interest in it and I have no doubt that what he wrote is accurate.”

David Irving, the notorious Holocaust denier who claims there were no gas chambers and that Hitler was “the Jews’ greatest friend,” is “a good historian” who has “made an ‘indispensable’ contribution to our knowledge of World War II.”

“All opinion-leaders, from the left to the right, are Jews…The Silence around my book in the US - if this is not a conspiracy, then what is one?”

“Frankly, part of me says…‘you know what, we deserve the problem on our hands because some things Bin Laden says are true’. One of the things he said on that last tape was that ‘until we live in security, you’re not going to live in security’, and there is a certain amount of rightness in that.”

And finally, “Never has one of my articles been published in a scientific magazine”.

(Given that last admission, you might want to dash off an e-note to the heads of DePaul asking why a nazi loon like Finkelstein is still on their faculty. The list of their officers and emails is here. ) Other Finkelstein pronouncements can be viewed on the Dershowitz document.

Finally, let us note that an Israeli far-leftist anti-Israel fanatic lecturer from Ben Gurion University named Neve Gordon not only endorses Finkelstein's rantings but compares Finkelstein ethically to the Prophets of the Bible. If you would like to tell his boss what you think of that, write to President Avishay Braverman at avishay (at), President of Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheba 84105 Israel.



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