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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization : Protest Activity

Midwest Anti-Capitalist Mobilization Against the G8

Call for a No Coast anti-war and anti-capitalist mass convergence, July 6-8 of 2005 in Kansas City, Missouri, in solidarity with the mobilization against the Group of Eight G8 summit in Scotland.
Destroy the War Machine!
Midwest Anti-Capitalist Mobilization Against the G8
July 6-8
Kansas City, Missouri

Call for a No Coast anti-war and anti-capitalist mass convergence, July 6-8 of 2005 in Kansas City, Missouri, in solidarity with the mobilization against the Group of Eight G8 summit in Scotland.

From July 6-8, 2005, the annual G8 summit will be held at Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland. The G8 is a forum of the rulers of the eight most industrialized, wealthy, and powerful states in the world. Every year they meet to discuss how to further their interests, expand their empire, and tighten their grip on every aspect of our lives. The consequences affect us all, and their economic success comes at our expense. The G8 exists to manage and maintain a system whose impacts we see all around us: war, genocide, wage slavery, mass poverty, structural racism, famine, environmental destruction, colonial domination in Africa, Asia, & Latin America, social alienation, and accelerating attacks on working people around the world.

But resistance is growing across the globe, in struggles as diverse as they are numerous. And in recent years, everywhere the G8 has met huge movements of people have confronted them, both demanding systemic change and fighting for a global social revolution.

In recognition of the call to action by Peoples' Global Action for Global Days of Action to be held against the G8, we are mobilizing for a regional convergence here in Kansas City. We are calling on everyone ready to fight for a better world - workers, students, revolutionaries, anti-capitalists... - from across the North American Mid West and Great Plains to converge and manifest their resistance on the streets. A West Coast regional convergence is being called for in San Francisco (check out:, and East Coast in Richmond, Virginia.

Our convergence will be in solidarity with those descending upon the streets of Scotland to face the G8 head on. We act in solidarity with revolutionaries taking to the streets to defend working peoples' lives all around the world: the struggle against neoliberal privatization in Bolivia; against transit fare increases in Brazil, Chicago, and San Francisco; against the Minutemen along the border; and against the PG&E power plant in Hunter's Point.

Global capital will show the full force of its domestic military capabilities in Scotland - we can confront these summits on our own terms, and this mobilization is a step in that direction.

Coming soon: Check here for updates concerning ride shares and housing!

Capitalism is everywhere, but so are we - we will converge in our city and fight it on our own terms!



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