Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Gender & Sexuality : Media : Miscellaneous : Women's Issues

Chicagoans Should Attend These Conferences

Allied Media Conference, June 17-19, Bowling Green, Ohio,

Born In Flames Conference, June 24-26, at PSU in Portland, Oregon,
Allied Media Conference, June 17-19, Bowling Green, Ohio,

Are you tired of swatting at flies? Frustrated that we're not forward-leaning enough on our problems? Think it's time for a full-scale review? Then this year's Allied Media Conference is for you.

Something's been holding you back. Now you can find out what it is and how to get past it. This year's AMC is offering new solutions to the old problems facing all the zinesters, filmmakers, radio pirates, journalists, MCs, and friends out there.

The AMC is the largest gathering of grassroots media makers from all across the country, and it convenes at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. The conference features hands-on workshops, group discussions, film screenings, artist presentations, a large exhibition hall to share our work, and a whole day for educators to learn how to use independent media in the classroom. Set in a small, midwest town, it's also a space to strengthen our community, meet new people, and enjoy each other's company.
Born In Flames Conference, June 24-26, at PSU in Portland, Oregon,


Two years ago, a new surge of community organizing in Portland rose to confront sexist behavior and issues surrounding sexual assault. Meetings, debates, actions,grass roots organizing, and collectives formed to create discussion about these sensitive topics, and support survivors of sexual assault while holding perpetrators accountable. The energy and work of dedicated people continues to create safer spaces for survivors and communities to comfortably and safely attend and participate in public events, shows and daily activities. Safer spaces are vital to survivors' lives and healthy intentional communities.

However, there is still a long way to go. A great need still exists in the entire progressive community for dialogue and action regarding issues of sexual assault. With all this energy culminating and visions forming for the road ahead a conference was born. We are a group of people from various left/radical/activist communities that are putting together a 3-day conference called Born In Flames.The Born in Flames Conference will provide a time and place to share ideas, experience and education, and to raise awareness through workshops, discussions and speakers. This conference aims to empower and emphasize the voices of survivors and their allies within a safer space. We need workshop coordinators, keynote speakers, your input, your ideas, donations, volunteers, and suggestions.

Our statement of purpose is as follows:

Born In Flames is a 3-day conference addressing sexual assault from a radical perspective and addressing the unique needs our communities have. We will focus on education, support and accountability. We would like people from all over to come and share their ideas and experiences. Also, we are looking for volunteers, workshop facilitators and donations.

The opening day will focus on community and personal education, with a goal of empowering participants with tools and knowledge that will useful for the remainder of the conference. Workshops with break down myths and develop a broad understanding of sexual assault, as well as how it can effect people in different ways.

The second day will focus on support. Workshops and discussions will be geared towards providing information, tools and resources for survivors to become public as well as where and how to find outside support. This day will also present skills to create a whole community more supportive of survivors.

The final day of workshops we hope to hash out a common understanding of accountability in our communities, and to develop an understanding around this idea but know there can never be one set definition. We will look at past examples and work toward new sustainable, creative solutions.



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