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Professor Chompsky is Human!

Proffesor Chomsky had predicted before the election that the government might fabricate an attack which did not come. But the government is attacking every civil right in the Bill of Rights, even an individual's right to crtize the government...
Mr. Chompsky can make mistakes too

October 30, 2003 - Noam Chomsky says Bush will have to "manufacture" another threat to American security to win reelection.
"U.S. linguist and political dissident Noam Chomsky said on Wednesday that President Bush will have to "manufacture" another threat to American security to win reelection in 2004 after U.S failure in occupying Iraq.
Chomsky, attending a Latin American social sciences conference in Cuba, said that since the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, the Bush administration had redefined U.S. national security policy to include the use of force abroad, with or without U.N. approval.
"It is a frightened country and it is easy to conjure up an imminent threat," Chomsky said at the launching of a Cuban edition of a book of interviews published by the Mexican newspaper La Jornada, when asked how Bush could get reelected.
"They have a card that they can play ... terrify the population with some invented threat, and that is not very hard to do," he said." - Reuters (10/30/03)

The Card they're playing is keep America in a state of perpetual terror, and take our rights to critizen the government, first with the Patriot Act I and now with their demmands to search you without a warrant, if a governmental agent thinks you have any links to terrorism. EVEN these Independent Media's try to end all discussion of the real facts about 911, Oklahoma and WACO. By hiding the articles, others can not refutes the ideas or support them Shame on India Media for this practice!

Please see hidden article: Mr. Chompsy replies, US Loyal Citizens:
And also:PORTLAND:
Stop All Foreign Aid to Israel Now
Who is the real nuclear threat
I trust the firemen who said they heard bombs going off Evidence points that 911... Evidence….

Houston New World Order Anti Semitism is a political Weapon
Stop All foreign aid to Israel.. high Talmudic Jews Ties to Oklahoma Bush lied about 911 high Talmudic Who is the real nuclear threat Mr Chompsky’s view of internet
Stop the Octopus Israel Now

U.S. Foregin aid is a weapon

"The Black Helicopters and the GOP
It's always been an article of faith on the "loony" right that the black helicopters of the Jewish-United Nations fascist government would arrive to take over America and turn it into a hellish police state through the machinations of the liberal Democrats. Who would have thought that it would be the conservative Republicans who would be waving the landing lights to direct the troop planes to the gate?
But there it is.
In four short years, following the 9/11 attacks, we have moved a long way down a very dark and dead-end alley.
First we had the Patriot Act, the handiwork of John Ashcroft (now out to pasture nursing his wet dreams of a restoration of slavery and the Confederacy) and his able assistant Michael Chertoff, now Sith overlord of the Department of Homeland Security. This obscene 362-page pile of totalitarian legislation has dangerously undermined the First and Fourth Amendments of the Bill of Rights.
Then we had the assertion of a Justice Department and Presidential right to revoke one’s citizenship (as witness the cases of Mssrs. Hamdi and Padilla. The former, a native-born American, was stripped of his birthright and sent off to a jail in Saudi Arabia, his parents' place of origin. The latter, also a native-born American citizen, but with no other ancestral country he can be sent to, has remained in jail in a military lock-up now for two years, with no access to family or even an attorney, with no charge against him and no right to challenge his arrest and indefinite incarceration).
Couple that with the Bush/Cheney-sanctioned policies of rendition, where people are kidnapped by government agents and whisked away on unmarked planes to other nations like Syria and Egypt where torture and extra-judicial killings are routine, and torture (see Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram, etc.), and you have the very real threat of American citizens like all of us being disappeared, just they way they did it for years (under American instruction and direction) in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Argentina and Chile." Excerpt.
Read it all at 5:30 am pdt

The CIA has trained the military to provoke torture inorder to incense the "subhuman"
Moslems to sneak through our unprotected Mexican border and create the next attack which will result in the establishment of Martial law in this land, all in the interests of the proponents of the New World Order!

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