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LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Celebrate the Faces of Pilsen with Third Coast Press!

*Faces of Pilsen* Photography Exhibit at Casa de la Cultura 'Mestizarte'
Faces of Pilsen.pdf (407 k)
Join us for the opening reception of a collaborative photo exhibit celebrating the people and places of the Pilsen community. Experience a cultural environment that indulges your senses with art, poetry, music, food and a good party.

Saturday, June 4, 2005
6 PM to 11 PM
Casa de la Cultura 'Mestizarte'
1440 W. 18th St.
Chicago, IL 60608

Third Coast Press Photographers
Andrew Bruah
Nazul Montesinos
Adeline Sides

Roberto Arredondo
Elias Corral
Arturo Diaz
Juan Carlos Frias
Isaura Gonzales
Jose Juan Lopez
Christina Obregon
"Mauricio" Mauro Vasquez

C. J. Laity: 8:30pm to 9pm

Alfredo Benito: 9pm to 9:15pm
Rebecca F. & The Memes: 9:15pm to 10pm
Grupo Rock Experimental aka "LFT": 10pm to end

Recommended Donation: $2.50



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