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To debut in Chicago: "What's My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States" by Dave Zirin

Folks - after two years of toil, my book 'What's My Name Fool?: Sports and Resistance in the United
States' is debuting in Chicago on July 2nd, 2005.
"Dave Zirin is an angry young man, and he's not
bashful about telling you why -- no quarter asked, no holds barred... It's good to read such an impassioned critic taking sport to task in a manner we haven't heard in some time."
- Frank Deford; HBO Real Sports; member Sports Writing and Broadcasting Hall of Fame.

"Put this book down only to pray, eat and
-Ralph Nader

"Dave Zirin is that rarest of commodities in sports writing: an original voice... What's My Name, Fool? will be loved by both athletes who hate politics and activists who hate sports. As for progressives who are closet sports fans, finally here is a book for you. "
- Mary Ratcliff, Editor, San Francisco BayView
(National Black Newspaper of the Year)

My publisher, Haymarket Books ( has arranged for 'What's My Name Fool' to debut at the July 1-4 weekend conference 'Socialism 2005: Build a Left Alternative', in Chicago Illinois. There we will launch the book at a Saturday night panel alongside former NFL linebacker and author of the sports classic 'Out of Their League', Dave MEGGYESY.

Check out the Socialism 2005 website to see the full
schedule and to register.

If anyone has any questions, they can email me back individually.

All the best
Dave Z
whatsmynamefool2005 (at)



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