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Chicago Indymedia

Interview :: Right Wing

Bush and Al Capone

A tax offense was ultimately Al Capone's undoing although he was responsible for the most serious cries like murder.

What really happened on September 11, 2001? The official explanations about the attacks and their consequences do not agree

Interview with Jimmy Walter

[This interview published in: Junge Welt, 5/23/ 2005 is translated from the German on the World Wide Web, Jimmy Walter is a US businessman who is financing a campaign of enlightenment about 8/11/2001 all over Europe.]

Q: In what three points is the official version of September 11 obviously incorrect?

The first is the collapse of a skyscraper next to the Twin Towers, so-called building number seven. This building was not struck by an airplane. Why did it collapse? The official version can’t explain this.
Q: That supports your thesis of the controlled blasting that day.

The second is the attack on the Pentagon. A hole of six to seven meters in diameter was cut out of the outer wall. A Boeing 757 is 40 meters wide. An engine weighing 2500 pounds is on each wing, three meters from the fuselage. There would have had to be three impact holes.

Q: On impact the wings evaporated and melted on account of high-energy development. That is the reason for the small hole, the US government says.

The metal disappeared but body parts of passengers were found. That doesn’t add up.

Q: And the third?

The pancake theory is not true. This was developed by experts of the government to prove why the Twin Towers caved in so perfectly and quickly. The steel construction gave in, they say, and then the floors crashed on the ones below beginning from the top in perfect layers like pancakes on one another. The weight of the layered pancakes became greater and greater and thus the speed of the collapse became faster and faster. But if the whole moved downward with force, why were building parts and debris sprayed upwards as in the photos? This again confirms the theory of controlled detonation.

Q: At the conference in Berlin, great importance was attached to the environmental pollution as a consequence of 9/11. The government knew of the contamination of the air but neither warned nor protected Manhattan’s population. Isn’t that very normal government criminality? What did that have to do with 9/11?

As a counter question, how was Al Capone put behind bars? A tax offense was ultimately his undoing though he was responsible for the most heinous criminality like murder. This will also happen here. We will not get Bush on account of the 3,000 murders on September 11. But it could become very exciting when thousands of New Yorkers who since then have had to battle with grave problems and are unable to work legally prosecute the government.



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