Subject: Irish Freedom Committee Political Status Pickets Continue
Date: May 24, 2005
Chicago – IFC Political Status Pickets Continue
SATURDAY MAY 28 2005, NOON to 2:00 PM
British/Free State COnsulates
400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago
The Chicago Unit of The Irish Freedom Committee was again at the doorstep of the British Consulate last Saturday holding pickets at 400 N. Michigan Avenue, at the Chicago River and Michigan Avenue.
The IFC have held pickets at the Consulates every Saturday since St. Patrick's Day weekend. Our pickets have been totally peaceful and very informative to crowds on the busy, tourist-filled street. We have received extremely encouraging feedback from passers-by and motorists, and even a few Chicago police!
It was a beautiful sunny day at the weekly Irish Freedom Committee pickets in front of the British and Free State consulates.
In a continuation of the pickets started on St. Patrick’s day a contingent from the Chicago chapter of the IFC handed out fliers as usual in front of the British consulate. Each week we seem to be getting more and more interest as we continue to call attention to the barbarian conditions under which Irish Political Prisoners are being held in Ireland and Britain. We are also getting more attention from shady men with concealed weapons, radios, camcorders and cameras.
As we do each Saturday, the Irish Freedom Committee held placards, a large tri-color and a large banner reading "RESTORE POLITICAL STATUS TO IRISH REPUBLICAN POWs". We distribute informational fliers describing the ongoing crisis at Maghaberry and other jails, and the failure of the "GFA" to gain peace or sovereignty for Ireland.
The IFC view the open surveillance as an effort to intimidate us, and we consider it a threat to stifle our right to peaceful free speech and our right to assemble. We continue to consult with local lawyers groups on this matter. Crowd response has been fantastic, but with each passing week, we are getting increased interest; tourists from across the country have inquired about getting more involved in their areas.
The Irish Freedom Committee continues the work in the United States by raising awareness of ongoing human rights abuses for Irish Republican POWs in British and Irish jails, and the loss of Political Status under the designed-to-fail "GFA" Peace Agreement.
For more information about joining the Irish Freedom Committee in your area, or joining our Political Status pickets, please contact The Irish Freedom Committee through our website link below or send an email to: (substitute @ for
Tiochfaidh ár Lá!!
Report from previous week: IndyMedia
More photos, Reports: Irish Freedom Committee website
MORE NEWS - Sinister News from Maghaberry Prison
HELP SUPPORT THE FAMILIES OF IRISH POLITICAL PRISONERS. For more information on The Irish Freedom Committee Direct Support© program
please contact us through our website or email us at (substitute @ for –at-)
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