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LOCAL News :: Peace

VVAW Memorial Day Event

On Memorial Day, Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)and supporters will gather at 11 AM, Monday May 30 at the corner of Wacker and Wabash. They will release a new report:"From Vietnam to Iraq: Ignoring the Veteran Healthcare Crises." Speakers will include the author of the report, Dave Curry, VVAW National Staff and the author of the report,Barry Romo, a VVAW National Coordinator, Charles Anderson, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Pat Vogel of Military Families Speak Out, and Jackson Potter, Chicago Public Schools high school teacher.
On Memorial Day, Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)and supporters will gather at 11 AM, Monday May 30 at the corner of Wacker and Wabash. They will release a new report:"From Vietnam to Iraq: Ignoring the Veteran Healthcare Crises."

Speakers include the author of the report, Dave Curry, VVAW National Staff and the author of the report,Barry Romo, a VVAW National Coordinator, Charles Anderson, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Pat Vogel of Military Families Speak Out, and Jackson Potter, Chicago Public Schools high school teacher who is attempting to offer his students a different perspective than they receive from military recruiters and the ROTC. An Englewood student is also scheduled to speak. Potter's class was shown on a PBS Newshour story on May 13, 2005 as they listened to Romo speak about his experiences in the military.

Curry's report, produced by VVAW and co-sponsored by IVAW, will recommend:

1) Iraqi veterans have been exposed to dangerous levels of depleted uranium by the U.S. military. The United States must immediately cease production of depleted-uranium weapons and stop their use in overseas military efforts. Like Agent Orange—a herbicide used by the military during the Vietnam War which caused serious physical damage to U.S. soldiers—the short-term military gains made with depleted uranium can cause long-term and possibly life-threatening mental and physical repercussions.

2) Budget allocation for VA health care must change from annual discretionary funding to mandatory funding. The budget should account for rising costs in health care and the increasing number of veterans dependent on the VA health-care system for quality medical care.

3) The VA must expand current services and improve access to quality medical care in order to meet the actual needs of the millions of veterans across the country in a timely manner.



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