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Sinister news from Maghaberry Prison

The Irish Freedom Committee has received news of sinister new moves by Maghaberry Prison to cut off Irish Republican Political Prisoners from all outside contact.

Subject: Sinister news from Maghaberry Prison
Date: May 19, 2005

The Irish Freedom Committee has received news of sinister new moves by Maghaberry Prison to cut off Irish Republican Political Prisoners from all outside contact.

These new moves, viewed in context of recent efforts by the prison to incite the men by placing hostile and unwelcome criminal elements onto the Republican landings, can only be seen as a buildup to a violent situation at Maghaberry.


Conditions have worsened at Maghaberry Jail for the Republican Prisoners and for their visiting families and loved ones, turning the jail into even more of a fortress with the prisoners increasingly cut off from the outside world.


Maghaberry Prison has now restricted the Republican prisoners' access to news with only pro-British and pro-Treaty news now allowed in. The newspaper of choice by the majority of the Republican prisoners has now been banned and news and analysis from the outside is censored to cover only the British viewpoint.


The Irish Freedom Committee also has evidence that mail to and from Maghaberry prison is being held up or not delivered at all. We encourage or members and supporters to continue to write to the prisoners at Maghaberry; show the prison screws that these men and their brave sacrifices are not forgotten.


Most disturbingly, new regulations at Maghaberry Jail now require that all visitors to the jail now be photographed and fingerprinted. This new constraint is a deliberate effort to dissuade and discourage visitors, particularly first-time or foreign visitors. Furthermore this new requirement will further inconvenience and delay families and loved ones on visits to loved ones, and is a blatant effort by the prison to criminalize the families, down to young children now having "records" before they are even grown.

The Irish Freedom Committee sees this new requirement of having families and foreign visitors photographed and fingerprinted as a deeply sinister development, in view of the known record of the British security forces in passing details of family members to loyalist paramilitary assassins.

Please continue to write to the Republican Prisoners at Maghaberry. For a list of prisoners and the prison address please visit The Irish Freedom Committee website at --
click on POWs.

HELP SUPPORT THE FAMILIES OF IRISH POLITICAL PRISONERS. For more information on The Irish Freedom Committee Direct Support© program
please contact us through our website or email us at (substitute @ for –at-)

Tiochfaidh ár Lá!

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