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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Protest Against Police Brutality at U.S. Mayors' Conference June 10th

At a rally on the West Side last night, Rev. Paul Jakes, Jr. announced a protest demanding "Justice for Howard Morgan and all victims of police brutality!" to take place at the U.S. Mayor's Conference in Chicago.

Assemble: 5:30 PM SHARP, Friday, June 10 at the Buckingham Fountain (Grant Park, at the intersection of Congress and Columbus)
Daley&Morgan, low res.jpg
Handbill, Mayor\'s Conf Action.pdf
On Friday, June 10 there will be a Gala Reception at Navy Pier for the U.S. Conference of Mayors
hosted by Mayor Daley.

While Daley brags about "his" city to his mayoral buddies from around the country, we will present the true picture of Chicago: a grafting mayor who gets taxpayer money funneled into his own campaign fund and the pockets of his cronies, while his police beat up and torture city residents.

On February 21st Howard Morgan was shot 25 times by white Chicago police officers, including several times in the back. He remains hand-cuffed to his hospital bed with $2 million bond, deemed a “flight risk” despite his nearly fatal injuries and his barely being able to walk.

Morgan is but the latest in a long history of victims of Chicago police violence. The City has been cited numerous times by Amnesty International and other respected human rights organizations for police torture and abuse of suspects to get "confessions." The City itself admitted the tortures in its internal study, the "Goldston Report," and when it fired Cmdr. Jon Burge for torture in February 1993.

...Yet none of the torturers has been criminally prosecuted, and the City is dragging its heals on admitting its wrongs and giving the victims the compensation they deserve.

Please join us as we demand:

JUSTICE FOR HOWARD MORGAN and all victims of police brutality!

ASSEMBLE: 5:30 PM SHARP, Friday, June 10 at
the Buckingham Fountain (Grant Park, at the intersection of Congress and Columbus)

MARCH to Navy Pier, arriving at about 6:15 PM.

Sponsored by the Christian Council on Urban Affairs. For information, call 773-265-0909.

Please download and distribute widely the above pdf handbill advertising this event .



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