Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Media

Daybreak #6 now Out!

Daybreak is a 12 page anarchist tabloid put out from Minneapolis. Issue #6 has been on the streets for a couple weeks but is just now finding its way onto cyberspace. All writings are anti-copyright and can be distributed through independent media. The PDF can also be downloaded and printed out on 11 x 17 paper.

This issue contains articles on transit cuts, the attacks on the Pine Island Bog, DIY advice, record and zine reviews, anti-police info, and the usual low theory you've come to expect from us.

If you want bulk copies sent to you all you have to do is send enough for postage. Single issues are $2 through the mail. We'd also appreciate donations so we can provide as many as possible to regional infoshops and prisoners held hostage by the state (as well as pay our outstanding debts).
Take Care,

Daybreak Anarchist Collective
PO Box 14007 Minneapolis MN 55414
daybreak (at)

Article List

* Welcome to Daybreak #6!
* Fight or Walk: The Chicago Transit Fare Strike by Midwest Unrest
* Metro Transit Cuts in Twin Cities
* Editorial- Long Term Resistance Means Culture War
* Dear Daybreak, (letters to us)
* Editorial- Daybreak Says Smash the State (of boring activist theorizing)
* Healing the Red and Blue Rift With More Red
* International News
* Hometown Hellraisin'- Updates from Local Rabble Rousers
* The Destruction of Margie and the Pine Island Bog
* DIY Worms
* DIY Depression

* Police Beat
* The Game by T. Hunnicutt
* Sarah
* Jon
* GF
* Pig
* Agent Cooper

* Books
* Zines
* Music
* Anarchist Classic

Fun Stuff
* Crossword Puzzle
* Comics
* Calendar and Resources



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