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Chicago Indymedia

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A public forum with radical journalist Lee Sustar on the crisis facing working class Chicagoans and a discussion on what we can do about it.
Daley's Chicago: City for $ale

CTA Cuts * Layoffs * Public School Cuts * Privatization *


7pm Thursday, May 19
Harold Washington College, Room 319
30 E. Lake Street

"He wields near-imperial power, and most of Chicago would have it no other way," Time enthused about Richard Daley in naming him one of the country's five best mayors. Daley, Time declared, has used his power "to steer the Windy City into a period of impressive stability, with declining unemployment and splashy growth."

Never mind that one in six Chicago families subsists below or near the poverty line. Growth? Forget the uncounted thousands who've been forced out of neighborhoods thanks to rampant gentrification.

Then there are the proposed $55 million in "doomsday cuts" to public transit that would cut service by almost 40 percent and lay off 2,000 workers.

Next comes Renaissance 2010, the handover of 100 public
schools to private business, putting kids under corporate control and gutting the teachers' union contract, even as 800 teachers face layoffs next year. On top of Renaissance 2010, there's now the threat of millions in cuts in funding to Chicago Public Schools.

Attend this forum to discuss what activists, union members and community members are doing to fight these brutal cuts and attacks on the living standards of poor and working Chicagoans-and to discuss where these attacks come from and what we can do to build a fight against them.

This forum is sponsored by the International Socialist
Organization, the UIC International Socialist Club, the NEIU
Socialist Club and the HWC Socialist Club.

More info:
Call 312-458-9380
Email chicago_socialists (at)



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