Announcement :: Elections & Legislation
Minnesota Answer To Pro-War Democrats
While Senator Obama and other Democrats may be willing to tow the pro-war, corporate Democratic party line, there are others who are willing to challenge them and the corporate money that backs them.
In Minnesota, as elsewhere the Green Party are planning to run candidates on an aggressive, no comprise, peace and justice, do not trust the corporate media type of campaign.
This Twin Cities Indy Media Journalist is one of them. My name is Michael Cavlan and I am planning to run for the US Senate in Minnesota in 2006.
Our campaign shall be completly grassroots, aggressive and smart and we are not compromising or backing down. A long time Indy Media, Peace and Justice activist, raised for 15 years in a poor Catholic housing project in Co Armagh, near Belfast, northern Ireland, I intend to give credibility and a positive face to those shut out by the corporate media and their political allies in the corporate corrupted Democratic and Republican parties. We are also planning and strategizing to break past the corporate media blockade.
Also, drawing from personal experience, our campaign shall highlight just how dangerous excessive state powers, such as the Patriot Act, are. We also intend to point out just how dangerous it is, when people with a political agenda promote and use those with a virulent form of religious bigotry.
This article is one way for those of us who believe in supporting and encouraging a positive and pro-peace and justice advocates to work, help and support each other. Please feel free to pass on this information to any that may be willing to help, financially and with volunteers. This is some of us in Minnesota getting serious about the issue of the war, religious bigotry, excessive state powers, corporate corruption of the political system, media, healthcare and enviornmental destruction.
Check out our website and tell us what you think, fellow Indymediasta's.