...Extremist Judicial Appointments Hang in the Balance ~ Interview with Wade Henderson, executive director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
As Senate Fight over Filibuster Looms, Extremist Judicial Appointments Hang in the Balance
Interview with Wade Henderson, executive director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, conducted by Scott Harris
As the likelihood that the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate will soon use extraordinary parliamentary maneuvers to eliminate the filibuster, the Democratic minority's only tool to block lifetime judicial appointments they view as extremist, TV ads from groups on both sides of the issue are hitting the airwaves. The GOP idea of abolishing the filibuster, a Senate institution for over 200 years, has infuriated Senate Democrats and led them to threaten non-cooperation in future legislative matters if the so-called "nuclear option" is approved.
Senate Democrats used the filibuster to block 10 of President Bush's 45 nominees to federal appeals courts during his first term. Since being re-elected Bush has now re-nominated seven of those nominees, including Judges Priscillla Owen and Janice Rogers Brown. At stake is not only the current appointments to federal appeals courts -- but the U.S. Supreme Court, where at least one vacancy is expected in the coming year.
As this fight heats up, a Washington Post-ABC News poll recently found that a majority of Americans -- by a 2-to-1 margin -- oppose the GOP plan to eliminate the filibuster. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Wade Henderson, executive director of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, part of a coalition of groups working to prevent a filibuster rules change. Henderson takes a critical look at President Bush's nominees and the consequences he sees of abolishing the Senate filibuster.
Contact the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights by calling (202) 466-3311 or visit their website at
Related links:
People for the American Way, at (202) 467-4999 or
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