Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

RALLY May 19th: Justice for Howard Morgan! Shot 25x by Chicago Police

On Malcolm X’s birthday and the eve of an important court date, rally for justice for Howard Morgan, shot 25 times on February 21st by four white Chicago cops. 7 PM, Thursday, May 19, Old St. Paul's MB Church, 531 N. Kedzie, Chicago.
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Morgan remains handcuffed to his hospital bed with $2 million bond, deemed a “flight risk” despite his nearly fatal injuries and his barely being able to walk.

On May 20th, Morgan’s lawyer, Leo Holt, will file a motion to get Morgan’s bail reduced.

On the night before, Thursday, May 19th, please join a community rally for justice - 7 pm at Old St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, 531 N. Kedzie Avenue.

Speakers include: Mr. Morgan's wife, Rosalind; Rev. Paul Jakes, President of the Christian Council on Urban Affairs; Vera Davis, President of the West Side NAACP; Marshall Hatch, President of the West Side Branch of Rainbow/PUSH; Luster Jackson of the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights; Pat Hill of the African American Police League; and more.

Contributions to Howard Morgan’s bail and legal defense fund can be made by making checks payable to the “Howard Morgan Defense Fund” and mailing them to P. O. Box 368817, Chicago, IL 60636.

Sponsored by the Christian Council on Urban Affairs. For more information, call 773-265-0909.

Please download the above pdf flyer and circulate widely.



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