LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Globalization : Miscellaneous : Peace : Protest Activity
Artistic Expressions
Progressive, political hip-hop show and arts fair at College of DuPage, with All Natural, the Pacifics, and Voice of the Timepiece.
The Campus Greens at College of DuPage presents a hip-hop show with the bands All Natural (
www.allnaturalhiphop.com), The Pacifics
www.thepacifics.com), and Voice of the Timepiece.
There will also be break dancers at the show as well as live painting and mural art happening during the performance. The show will be taking place at COD on Friday, May 13th, in SRC 2800 from 6pm-11pm. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door.
You can get $1 off of tickets for a donation of tools for the community garden. For more info or tickets, contact Mike at
codgreens (at) msn.com or
at 708-769-2163, and for the live art contact Ellen at
contactellenhere (at) hotmail.com. These bands are very socially conscious and represent most of the values that the Campus Greens
stand for.