Peer through the window to our society for a glimpse of just how screwed up and backwards our way of thinking is.
Tazer debate continues, 100+ people have died, cops and manufacturer say they're okay, Amnesty International wants ban, doctors want more tests, animal rights activists oppose testing on cocaine-drugged pigs that will then be euthanized following the project, civillian models available with background check and registration
Armed militias patrolling US-Mexico border, Gov. Schwarzenegger praises efforts, operations to expand, what's next?
Army recruites say they must lie and bend the rules in order to fill their ranks, some say isolated cases but statistics show widepsread use and acceptance of such tactics
FBI arrests Pentagon analyst for passing Iraq intelligence to pro-Israel lobbyists, some dismiss as isolated but AIPAC involvement goes much deeper than this
California acts to ban online hunting, with click of a mouse you can kill wildlife and have it shipped to you, supporters say it's good for people with disabilities, opponents say that it's "unsporting", no mention of how perverse it is that someone would actually sit in front of their computer and take pleasure in killing another living organism or the disturbing possibilities made possible by such technology
The other big headlines were about Michael Jackson, the "runaway bride", money, fashion, entertainment, the first 100 days of Bush's 2nd term, and other meaningless garbage.